little weak shyt like once or every other year, we just pause for a min and go about our day, it freaks transplants out tho lol. but big ones like this? one every 10-20 yrs in various parts of the states. Luckily the State is massive, so it might be 25-40 years before your area gets an earth breaker.
the small ones a lot of people dont even notice, its one of those things, where either it hits early AM (I dont know why quakes always happen in the god damn AM) so you're asleep and don't even feel it, or if its the PM, you'd have to be sitting quiet or something, then you just hear the walls creek and feel a sway and be like
everyone stops what they're doing tho, because you never know if that bytch is going to grow and grow and BAM its 5.5+ thats when shyt gets crackin....literally.
someone asked why we fear the big ones? doesnt matter how strong your infrastructure is, if the earfs wantsya, its gon takesya. Ask Japan and Chile and they have superior infrastructures than us. I gotta give it to the Japanese tho, they get 6.0s often, they had a quake called a mega trust that was 9.0, luckily it was underwater but it caused a massive tsunami almost put an entire city under water and busted that nuclear power plant. we don't see shyt like that. Japan and Chile have freak quakes.