I don't think anybody is pure. Culture plays a big part in shaping people. And western culture is far too lenient on women's bs and women know it.
"the wall is undefeated" dude majority of women or men when it comes to relationship are not that different from each other. Guys going to Colombia when there are tons of Colombian women in Miami . Dudes are going to these countries to exploit.
ive been all around the world....if by culture, you mean the laws and economics of a given country then yes that constricts the true nature of a lot of women but everyone is online on social media consuming the same stuff these days and women's intrinsic nature is all the same.
You hit right on the nail, furthermore, many of them, are now falling into the same algorithm unless the country they are from have banned certain contents from being shown. In America, you get the true nature of a lot of women if she is not broke. You can at least find true love if she has her own shyt together