Nope. 25 for China and more like 28 for Japan.
I personally don't understand it because Asian women still look good into their 30s.
A lot of it is because you're seen as an ‘auntie' or 'old fruit' once you go over 27-28. Its why I’ve met so many Chinese and Japanese women who’ve immigrated from those countries and are permanent residents in Canada now.
The pressure is there though. One chick I used to see her mother was trying to set up potential asian spouses for her as she was turning 26. She setup phone callls and coffee dates with family friends sons and other men she knew, when this chick was back in Montreal.The chick didn't bite though.
A lot of times it’s because Chinese men especially are very, very HOH they want a woman at home, not at work. If you're a woman who is in a good career and earning a fantastic wage why are you giving that all up?
Many come to the west instead. I’ve dated a ton of non western asian women who are very high earners, but in Asia they would be looked at as past it. Because they are not married or have kids.
Many didn’t want kids, and thats seen as strange in Asia where having children and carrying on your name is seen as incredibly important.