Voting for someone =/= their base. Protest votes, votes for a status quo upheavel, and general dissatisfaction with Hillary contributed more to his election that most news outlets care to aknowledge.
With these differences, the estimated raw vote total worked out to about
6.7 million Obama-Trump voters and 2.7 million Romney-Clinton voters.
Larry J. Sabato's Crystal Ball » Just How Many Obama 2012-Trump 2016 Voters Were There?
What you and others need to understand is that the Republican
base and the Democratic base are numbered around 50mil per party. It's not 2% of the party, it's not 10% of the party. 60-80% of voters from both parties repeatedly vote for their party. How is that not the very definition of a political
He lost the popular vote by millions and has continued to alienate as many groups of people as he can. I dont believe its realistic to think hes retained every person that voted for him.
Again, this is how I know you're looking at this situation wrong. He does not need to gain a single vote over 63million. I don't know how much this needs to be explained.
So long as the Dems dont put up another establishment whore, they stand a much better chance than people want to admit
Who is running for president doesn't matter. If I were to ask you what the Democratic party has done in WI, PA, NC, and MI to bring back black voters, your response would be......? If the answer is nothing, Trump gets re-elected. If the answer is not enough, Trump gets re-elected.