I tell people this all the time...and none of them seem to understand.
Most movies nowadays have bad writing and no character development.
And to find out if the movie will be good, you have to sit through 45min of it...and by that time youve wasted so much time on a shyt movie.
This is bullshyt. This isn't a new problem, and it's certainly not exclusive to movies. Hollywood has been making shytty movies for 100 years...and they've been making great ones too.

@ "most movies"....you are just watching the wrong movies.
Also, TV isn't lacking shows with shytty writing/character development either. There are most ALL-TIME GREAT shows on TV right now, and that seems to be swaying your opinion. For all the Breaking Bad/Mad Men/Boardwalk Empire/Wire shows...more people still watch CSI, 2.5 Men, The Big Bang Theory, Survivor, American Idol and Smash.
It's the same thing, it's just easier for someone to find great "hidden" gems on TV.