It's not a question of papers, the damage is already done.
The simple fact that he went from posting on IG everyday:
To radio silence after the alleged exposal basically deaded any steam he had.
Rappers are gonna come around and do what, exactly? Get risk getting blackballed by people in the industry connected to 50? Most of them are in 360s anyways, they have zero obligation or reason to engage with dude at all. Especially now that all of his street credibility as been ruined.
In situations like these it doesn't matter who's "right" just who's the loudest. 6ix9ine got out to 7 figure streaming deals after snitching. Not calling Big Meech a snitch, but "street credibility" means jack shyt in this era. Dude has shown zero personality whatsoever. Which is basically who he was supposed to rebrand as - a character a 'street legend'.
Let's be real here - dude is an ex drug dealer who's responsible for the deaths and financial ruin of a lot of people. The only reason why he even had a lifeline in the first place was him being the "flashiest street legend". Now that's gone people see zero value in dude. People were only around them because they saw what they could get out of him. There's no love whatsoever and everyone has basically already fell back.
And he won't be able to fund the illusion of the lifestyle he once had (which was his plan with the clothing brand and all).
Seriously go on his IG right now and click on the link in his bio - he doesn't even own his own domain name.