The black man is always targeted.
And the way dude is handing this is atrocious. He could at least turn this into a damn youtube channel where he could earn somewhat of a decent living. Dude released that blacksploitation villain "trick me off the streets" vid only to have his show canceled
Dude is an ex-kingpin and he doesn't even own the rights to monetize his own likeness. Sure he probably had some money stashed away. But I doubt it. And those "street connections" and scamming influencers trying to ride his coattails already hopped off weeks ago.
I wouldn't be surprised if dude had less than 50k in his bank account with zero income coming in. Dude doesn't even have a website. And his son BMF'd away all his damn money on 20k jeans every week.
Dude probably either gonna be back in prison or on a street corner somewhere in a couple of years.
He's basically an old washed up groupie who cut off his only sponsor that was giving him a lifeline.

Dude is an ex-kingpin and he doesn't even own the rights to monetize his own likeness. Sure he probably had some money stashed away. But I doubt it. And those "street connections" and scamming influencers trying to ride his coattails already hopped off weeks ago.
I wouldn't be surprised if dude had less than 50k in his bank account with zero income coming in. Dude doesn't even have a website. And his son BMF'd away all his damn money on 20k jeans every week.
Dude probably either gonna be back in prison or on a street corner somewhere in a couple of years.
He's basically an old washed up groupie who cut off his only sponsor that was giving him a lifeline.