gays are wrong to try to appropriate racial struggles in a lazy manner. race and lifestyle politics are extremely different, and in america, being black is far more of a burden than being gay of any color. the degree of differences in severity and number of ways it is worse make it pretty offensive for desperate and careless gay people (and their straight allies like that wack ass macklemore) to try to draw broad comparisons
there are some times where you can make reasonable comparisons. for instance, the rationale for hate crime legislation is pretty much applicable to anybody in a protected-class situation; gays, blacks, jews, brooklyn nets fans, etc. it stands to reason that gay people can get the shyt kicked out of them based on their identity just like black people can get the shyt kicked out of them based on identity, so if you believe in the value of establishing a special set of punishments to these acts of domestic terrorism, you would want to apply it to all identity based "political" violence.
however, i am always suspicious of people who use this misdeed on the part of gays as a time to attack them. typically, people who are otherwise neutral to or allied with the gay struggle tend to not beat them over the head about this, even when they take offense to it. i kinda think this is the respectable homophobe's way of attacking gays without losing respectability. kinda like a cac calling richard sherman a thug when you want to call him something else...