Insane how polished he is for his age. Linares trying to time the body jab w his hook but that shyt aint working.
Haney is the best in his division, he beats everyone. They’ve been ducking him for years.Insane how polished he is for his age. Linares trying to time the body jab w his hook but that shyt aint working.
Ben Davison has been working with Haney for like 2 weeks Chris..chill
Linares being outclassed
Insane how polished he is for his age. Linares trying to time the body jab w his hook but that shyt aint working.
DAZN needs a no commentary featureThe play by play guy is clueless
You see it too
that's what ben davidson is there for to get the media cacs to stop hating on devin because they have a white person they can relate to on his team