FTR. Arguably the most over act on their entire roster. They were the talk of the business about a month ago and now..nothing.
No Darby either. All his momentum has been halted in recent months. Not to mention Miro Is a ghost. Sure I can name others. Those are just off the top of the dome.
FTR still are the talk of the business and hinted they want the NJPW titles next….. which I wouldn’t be surprised if they got at this point at the next show
Darby been like on every PPV, don’t think it gonna hurt him missing this he pusher p
Miro, I get but he’s currently filming a series. Not too much they can bout that barring telling him he can’t do extra curricular shyt which would look bad for them and Coli with murder them for.
But I hear you, just those 3 people available people. Still think the roster is strong as they got about 90% of the heavy hitters folks claim they care about on. Unless we got some Michael Nakazawa and Abadon fans in the house! Lol