Best episode of Dynamite in a while. Whatever they had for Joe/Wayne would've put it over the top. This was a wrestling program from top to bottom, and they did all the little things and ticked all the little boxes. Wasn't perfect, but it was competent.
Quite honestly, if you didn't enjoy this episode of AEW - stop watching.
Also - if you see Private Party and want anything from them other than to get off TV and improve in every way imaginable -
YOU ARE A HOMOSEXUAL. That's it. Their entire act is they're two twinks with bad offense. I'm not trying to insult anyone for being gay, farthest from it. But there needs to be a conversation.
These men are of the quality of jobbers who are already in the ring when the show comes back from commercial.
Exaxtly what about Private Party, any time you've seen them, has made you think "OH WOW I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE MORE OF THAT"
They go over the Young Bucks, get the belts, defend them for months - "AEW shoulda done more with them?!?!?!"
How much more can you do with someone

. All those opportunities to come out and win and look good on television - it's someone else's fault they still suck? You got a give the smoke, mirrors, time, money, and resources to an act that struggles when the bell rings and don't know how to cut a promo?