I'm Everywhere you ain't never there
It’s crazy how bad the matches have been. There hasn’t been one good match. This has been their worst showWhat in the fukk happened to this show
It’s crazy how bad the matches have been. There hasn’t been one good match. This has been their worst showWhat in the fukk happened to this show
Kickpad brad energyKyle really think he be in the UFC or some shyt
I don’t even watch Japanese wrestling but I wonder how Darby would be received in Japan
Rate the match on a scale of 1-10 Dave
Post-ECW Raven stayed in a skirt.Raven wore men's pants, sir.
Damn we brought up Hiromu at the same time...He would be ova ova.
Himoru is prob the closest Japanese guy to Darby and he is s star.
Darby is gonna go out like Hiromu one day...
The lucha bro match was the only oneIt’s crazy how bad the matches have been. There hasn’t been one good match. This has been their worst show
If Darby had Randy Orton's length and thickness, he'd be running the business