My point is Mercedes could survive a loss just like Danielson can for the exact reason you said, they are established stars. I'm not even remotely saying they're in the same boat/predicament![]()
Oh yeah for sure i get that. I was referring more to the sentiment that having BD lose early killed his momentum when the expectations for him weren't as high. He wasn't looked at as someone that was coming in to change things cuz they already had a decent male roster. Even now he's not looked as someone that can lead the division. A few people commented saying he's not as big a star now but he's been playing the same role as when he got in.
Mercedes can definitely afford a loss since she's still young but the long delay is what hurt them. She does have the star power, I agree. But you right on whether she has the title two weeks from now or two months from now. She can still promote for the brand even without a title.
I think it helps having a title when promoting but for her being an established star and already doing some promotional work, it shouldn't matter.
Far as main title goes, Toni Storm is doing incredible work & i don't feel like she should be dethroned to please Mercedes or Willow. The core group of women that have been involved with main title way different than tbs group. Issue was that they grouped Mercedes with TBS title cuz of history with Willow.
It's a tough predicament cuz either way they go, they gotta make sure the longer term goes right for both Mercedes and Willow.
I feel like Stat turning heel may be best buy let's see how they do things.