Honestly surprised Big Show ain't got him one in yetIt just feels like everyone turns eventually in AEW.

I just hate how telegraphed/forced most of them have been. MJF on Cody, Regal, Callis. I feel like the biggest thing missing from AEW in that regards is the turn of a big star.
Kenny's turn when he got the belt was dope along with the subsequent Bucks turn to align with him. But like right now I guess Bryan, Claudio, and Mox are all supposed to be heels......But it doesn't really feel like they ever actually turned. They just started fuccking people up one week but they still get cheered and never go at the fans to try and get booed.
I've been waiting over a decade for Mox to have a real heel run, All I heard for YEARS was how great he was on the mic and as a heel all the way back to that dropped feud with Foley he had. Still waiting to see that.