Doesnt that kind of fall into the adapt or die talking point?
I see what you're saying...but with RIM, it's more-so based on basic business principles whereas every company have to adapt to the changing variables within their environment or face forced restructure, which usually equals layoffs. RIM just happens to be in the tech industry. For example, say most of the world stopped eating beef, but McDonald's continue to sale burgers...eventually they would face massive layoffs because they failed to adapt to change and no longer bring in enough revenue to pay employees. They have to downsize, restructure, and then if they can maybe right the ship, they will eventually hire again to meet an increased demand for their brand. You know what I mean?
With Blackberry, the fact isn't that technology replaced its workers, it's that the company failed to adapt to change and other company's (notably Samsung and Apple) consumed their market share.