You cannot be serious, its responsible for the greatest nation on earth and the highest quality of life on the planet
You cannot be serious, its responsible for the greatest nation on earth and the highest quality of life on the planet
You don't bring substantive arguments yourself though. You just speak in vacuous, libertarian talking points like "We just need to get the government out of the way."
Capitalism doesn't need defending, its responsible for the greatest nation on earth and the highest quality of life on the planet
Just need to get government out of the way
Still haven't heard any counter arguments... just emotional responses, and personal attacks
I thought you were on my side traitor!!!
You cannot be serious
You don't bring substantive arguments yourself though. You just speak in vacuous, libertarian talking points like "We just need to get the government out of the way."
Since you have all the solutions, why don't you enlighten us on how exactly we should deal with this problem of declining wages and dwindling work opportunities with policy specifics, not empty sloganeering and talking points?
Lets hear what nation is greater?
Fair enough. I try to keep it short, since most responses will just be personal attacks, completely ignoring whats being stated/suggested.
1-audit the fed.(Ask and ill elaborate)
2- begin lending interest-free credit until prices start to rise and dole it out equitably over the population and the productive sector.
This will save 1 or 2 Trillion in interest payments to the banks per year. It will end the liquidity crisis, which is starving the real economy and it will destroy the banks, which are the cause of this crisis.(This one is unlikely to happen admittedly)
3- Switch to a flat consumption tax. Somewhere between 5-15% depending on which party is in office.
4- Remove price controls.(I'll go into detail if need be)
5- get rid of the FDA and the FCC(neither is needed)
6- slowly get rid of affirmative action and entitlement programs at the federal level(blasphemy I know)
7- stop subsidizing goods altogether. Its amazing how many people think oil is a cheap(er) energy source
8- stop subsidizing poor decision making(goes with #6)
9- End the war on victim-less crime.(seems simple, but gets people real emotional)
10- Reform the patent system.
There's 10 off the top of my head, and ill gladly go into detail on any of them.
Please elaborate on anything in above quotes that you said requires detail with links and sourced information. Capitalism might be an effective system if it wasn't dictated by cronyism and short-term thinking. It also isn't bulletproof or without potential for reform. For instance, does it make sense that our banks completely run our elected government? Or that prison and healthcare are ruled by private industry (when there are human costs to both)? We need to stop thinking in Either-Or terms and start embracing Both-And thinking. Not being capitalist doesn't mean being socialist and vice versa. Embracing SOME federal protection (of human life for instance) doesn't mean giving up all freedoms.
l'll provide some, but I find that side by side comparisons of nations dont really work the way you would like them to...also, agree with you on "ending the war on victimless crime" but it would help for you to cite examples of countries that have lifted prohibition and seen a correlative boost in economic prospects. your points are not being greeted with personal attacks... but with demand for thorough information to support them.
Lets hear what nation is greater?
Canada; China, Japan, and South Korea off the top of my head.
Zero sum thinking ehWages have not adjusted with inflation in a long time for the average American worker while executives makes exponentially more in the last 30+ years. If you were making 40k in 1990, you should be paid almost double for the same job in 2013. The cost of living continues to rise. Two income households is a figment of people's imagination of success. Its a trap. You are spending less time with your spouse and kids, then people wonder why the family unit is deteriorating and their kids are turning into losers.
Since 1968, a few things changed especially white women entering into the workplace at a rapid pace. Remember they were the primary beneficiaries of affirmative action. Before this time, companies paid white men a comfortable enough salary that their women didn't have to work. Once their women entered the job market, it drove down the men's wages and inflation continued to increase over the next few decades making it now a necessity to have two incomes. This eventually effected everybody else as well
Wages have not adjusted with inflation in a long time for the average American worker while executives makes exponentially more in the last 30+ years. If you were making 40k in 1990, you should be paid almost double for the same job in 2013. The cost of living continues to rise. Two income households is a figment of people's imagination of success. Its a trap. You are spending less time with your spouse and kids, then people wonder why the family unit is deteriorating and their kids are turning into losers.
Zero sum thinking eh
What some one else makes isnt money out of your pocket. This is a common mistake people make when approaching capitalism.