Even Undertaker is looking at his watch like "Usos ever getting to the ring? "
Part of her quirky charm.What kind of shimmy was that Baecky?
Nah this gimmick just sucksSeems the audience don't watch NXT like me cause there was NO reaction
That's only got 1 view??? Who is that
Kristina RoseWho's the Apple Jax one
If Primo and Epico don't have this as their theme they fukked up
No but its a legit excuse for them to useIs it supposed to be silent during the Vaude Villians intro??
Finn bout to come in with the dyed black beardAJ Styles, Doc Gallows, & Karl Anderson hanging out backstage on Raw
I feel like they should run with that for a while before bringing up finn
Is it supposed to be silent during the Vaude Villians intro??
Nah this gimmick just sucks