O³ (O cubed)
No more PAWGs, PLEASE??!!!??

At those 52% who voted for Askren. I'm subbed to K9 Bundrage's channel and saw Askren's training.

@patscorpio , no poll ?
Aynway, I think Paul will win this by decision. Askren has terrible hands and is most likely the worst MMA representant they could have gotten. Similar to Paulie going BKB.
of being KO'd
For the recordPad work kinda make everybody look good
Yeah he just doesnt instinctively punch properly and will not have any time to drill it deeper in his head. He may look good on the pads but once he is in the ring, he reverts to how he punches usually.
Full Boskoe and Gonzoe fight:
Fr he was winging it tooBoskoe the same YouTube nikka with craters in his face? I had no idea he was fighting on this shyt
I am putting my account for a ban bet with whoever:
If this guy boxes McGregor, he's winning it.
And if it happens I will put 50k on him and post the bet slip.