kofi need's to get back on his rude boy and respond like this to Roman saying smackdown is his yard
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kofi need's to get back on his rude boy and respond like this to Roman saying smackdown is his yard
it's aprilSmackdown Live is coming to my town on August 6 and December 27. I’m only going if Kofi Kingston is still champion. Period
that's exactly what will happen Roman would get heavily booed on ppv in title match against Kofi, KO, "The New” Daniel Bryan, Finn/Demon King, once Roman back to getting the full go superman pushImagine the dialogue here and on twitter if Roman beats Kofi for the title at Summerslam right before fox starts. The boos would return full bore
Will you c00ns stop with this Big E turn bullshyt?
And regarding Kofi/Roman, it's pretty clear they want Roman to have the title around the time of the Fox move, but unless the crowd cools off or turns on Kofi something serious (which is very possible, especially in today's WWE) or Roman turns heel (LOL) or God forbid Kofi gets injured, there's no way Roman can beat him clean without the crowd turning on him again.
Maybe a heel KO beats Kofi around SummerSlam, and Roman beats KO by the September ppv?
that's exactly what will happen Roman would get heavily booed on ppv in title match against Kofi, KO, "The New” Daniel Bryan, Finn/Demon King, once Roman back to getting the full go superman push
it like Vince/coke boy doesn't have a enough sense or patience to just let Roman slow burn in the upper mid card for about a year and a half make it feel like to the fan that Roman has to Earn/fight/work his way back to the top/championship build up the anticipation for him going back on top
i mean dude has recently been in the main event of wrestle mania 4 year's in a row if Roman is half the superstar Vince/WWE thinks he is shouldn't even need the top belt to draw rating /make money at this point in his career almost every feud everything he doe's should feel big and impact by now with Roman if not then all the kayfabe accolade given to him have bin a big waste of time for WWE and he's just another Randy Orton
that's exactly what will happen Roman would get heavily booed on ppv in title match against Kofi, KO, "The New” Daniel Bryan, Finn/Demon King, once Roman back to getting the full go superman push
it like Vince/coke boy doesn't have a enough sense or patience to just let Roman slow burn in the upper mid card for about a year and a half make it feel like to the fan's that Roman has to Earn/fight/work his way back to the top/championship build up the anticipation for him going back on top
i mean dude has recently been in the main event of wrestle mania 4 year's in a row if Roman is half the superstar Vince/WWE thinks he is shouldn't even need the top belt to draw rating /make money at this point in his career almost every feud everything he does should feel big and impactful by now with Roman if not then all the kayfabe accolade's given to him have been a big waste of time for WWE and he's just another Randy Orton
All of this to me is showing that the fans are slowly but surely reverting back to their original mindsets on how they felt about Roman pre-cancer. Roman's announcement had everyone temporary forget about their dislike about him and having everyone go "I'm not saying I disagree with you, but you also gotta take into consideration that during the 4 year period (how insane is that btw??) of Roman's push to the top, he was cooled off and put in feuds that weren't for the title. He even jobbed in a whole bunch of matches - that you never see a future "Ace" like him do, specially that often - so fans would buy into the idea that he wasn't getting a mega push...but everyone saw through that.
A lot of times Roman wasn't specifically booed because he was wrestling guy X on PPV, he was booed because 2 months after that match, fans knew he was going to either win the feud or move on to wrestle for the title.
Same thing could happen this year. If Roman is booked against Elias for 2 months and then another heel for other 2 PPVs. He might get booed again because fan might sense that all of it is a preview/filler for him to win the belt at Summerslam. Even if you stretch it out to 2020, by the Rumble fans might start goingat him possibly getting into position to get the main belt at Mania
"The fear of Roman" by the fanbase is really annoying imo.
To be honest. I'd love to see a long feud with Daniel Bryan were it all ends in an apuestas match. Hair vs Hair were they give D-Bry full liberty to continue to be a real heel. If they have a series or great matches, MAYBE Roman coming out on top of that angle would be received nicely by the crowd and set him up not be completely hated for his future title shot. But hey, I thought the same thing in 2014 and it never happened![]()
Honestly this is the first time the rosters have felt relatively equal in a long time. Raw has the advantage on tag teams, but it balances out due to Smackdown having the overwhelming advantage in the women's division.
The men's single division on both sides has some good people.
All of this to me is showing that the fans are slowly but surely reverting back to their original mindsets on how they felt about Roman pre-cancer. Roman's announcement had everyone temporary forget about their dislike about him and having everyone go "We can't boo anyone surviving cancer" despite the fact that we've boo'd old ladies and children without hesitation for little to no reason but somehow Roman was an exception. But now that cancer news is starting to wear off and all the symphy for Roman is slowly going away and we about to be back to the "Make Roman Look Strong
" reactions again... but with Dean gone they can't fall back with The Shield's popularity to boost him up anymore so it's gonna be an interesting watch to see how Roman do this time around on Smackdown.