Powerhouse grilln Lee

Mine actually be good probably hoping to get some of those NBA fans/eyeball on the productIdk if battle of the belts is smart to do during the playoffs.
Hobbs from my hometown. Cuz getting in better shape and looking like he might could become something for real, love to see it
I mean, they definitely gotta lose because Swerve and Keef can't afford further losing if they're meant to be anything at all, but... good for them.
(btw, why this straight up WWE booking where all the people of the same color work together?)
I don't want any of these guys to lose.
Time to pull one of those rare no contests, Adderall man.
Reminds me of the Attitude Era when damn near EVERYBODY was over... even Funaki was getting dem popsThe pop for all involved
Taker would have to rename that walk to New SchoolThat was a sassy walk he did on the ropes.
Imagine if Taker did that