[4/03/16] WWE Wrestlemania XXXII - Live from Dallas Texas!

Box Cutta

Bumbling Sidekick
May 1, 2012
Sanitation Department
This has been okay. But I'm feeling as though they held back Dean/Brock so that this could get more shine...and I'm not certain that it's worth it.

Piss on that. Sometimes you need to strike at the biggest moment and the most immediate opportunity. And given that she's been on TV for about a year now, and has spent most of that time either behind Nikki or Charlotte as the one the fans have wanted to have the belt, this seemed like as good a time as any to actually give her the belt.

Actual age doesn't matter. TV age does. There's no point to letting this year old story keep going to the point where people might actually get sick of it (which always happens when you wait too long), especially when you're debuting a new belt. They really should have just had her win the belt here, especially given that she was one of the three most over people at this WrestleMania.

This is exactly what I've been saying.

They've already been patient...it's why when they were chanting "We Want Sasha" all through the fall..they gave the title to Charlotte.

They are taking a gamble with a long chase here. I feel like Sasha is particular in that she's an undersized black girl, so it kinda means more for her if her fanbase is shown that she's genuinely protected.

Only time will tell. Maybe it'll turn into a D-Bry type fever pitch...but I doubt it.