All Star
Makes more sense for sasha to chase marks
We need change breh :romancry:
that was the biggest upset of the night. everyone knew Sasha was gonna win.
for those complaining about Ric cheating ... well that's classic professional wrestling. that's what the heels are supposed to do.
best match of the night thus far. all three of them were great.
I mean, really?
The hell is the point of NOT having the most over woman you have (and, really, the best woman on the roster, given that she held the match together when it got sloppy at points) win the belt here?
At least it turned into a good match in the end (lacked heat, but given that finish, it didn't deserve heat). Are they trying to punch us in the face with their booking tonight?
All heels except Ryder so far . Im hoping this isn't a plan to try and be like the last hope is Roman for a feel good win !!!All the finishes have sucked so far except Ryder winning, and even that was kinda
Great match though, match of the night so far. Awesome.