Women like dominant men. They're repelled by "nice guys" because you come off as a weak. Niceness doesn't create any attraction or tingles. Now of course, when these chicks fall off, get old and need someone to marry them, of course, they'll love you "nice guys" but, I'm assuming you want women now and not ten years from now
Regardless of what women say (you don't ask a deer how to hunt deer), they like jerks. Now they don't like complete jerks. But they like many qualities associated with being a jerk. The aloofness, the indifference, the dominant personality, confidence, not afraid to speak his mind, not a weak pushover, is usually exciting and spontaneous, is passionate about something (i.e. he brings the woman into his world, the woman doesn't become his world), is a leader, etc. That's why I laugh when nikkas say just get your money right. There's plenty of cats making 80k but, are still weak sniveling supplicating nice guys. And they will end up marrying some used up ran through broad that doesn't even like them all that much for the stability and convenience.
That thread where guys have their wives give them restrictions. That's most men's future. Right now in your current form you are not the kinda guy women dream of being with. You're the guy they settle for. And you know it. It's a tough pill to swallow but, at least you're aware of it. Now you can start improving.