They literally said SALES.No people are asking you for clarification you can't give. Instead of just saying the article you quoted is unclear you're trying to pretend like that clarification doesn't matter. It actually does because all of us can easily come up with ways to pad those copies sold numbers to make them more flattering than they actually are. Things like:
Counting the download of free to play iOS and Android games as a sale.
Counting the individual skus of each Halo game that comprise the MCC as a sale.
Counting the copies downloaded from Game Pass as a sale.
You seem to be unable to clarify if any of that was done. You just gulp down the flattering PR slosh you're given and start jewlezing about others not doing the same.
You came with all the dumb shyt.
I don’t have to disprove all of your random dumb shyt. When a clear and concise statement from the company says SALES.