I don't advocate for killing innocent people, but I do advocate for people to defend themselves. And if you do want some kind of revenge,then go for the person/group that wronged you, not innocent people. I haven't read thread you're talking about, but it sounds like there was alot of fukkery involved. And we know how much TLR loves the fukkery
That's what it's here for.
But I do agree with you on how c00n/and tom is thrown around excessively. And that is part of the reason for why the Root fell off for a bit. And I do agree with you that people should live what they preach and be able to show and prove what they do.
But you can't hold that standard for one aspect of this site and not for the rest of it. People on this board pretend to be authorities on relationships, business, money, wealth, sex and a host of other subjects. And yet no one has asked anyone to prove that they know what they're talking about
I'm all for setting a standard, but if were gonna set one, let's make sure we set it across the board
The breh
@bdizzle is just one of a number of good posters who post in the Root. There are alot of great threads in the Root that go unnoticed because they don't have a high level of fukkery to em which is why most people avoid em. Not to mention, some require to have a certain amount of historic understanding outside the usual Pound cake speech/Black people need to do better rhetoric and most people don't have that frame of reference.