Sting, telling those two Unseasoned Geeks that this doesn't work for me, Brother.

One of the greatest of all time.
I'm not a fan of Wardlow utilizing Ranas and Superkicks, man.

Just not a fan of it. Happy he won the shot, but the time on this match could've gotten cut so Sting could get all his time without going over.
I honestly would've had DG win it here and move Christian on to new things. He's done a great job of re-establishing the Dynamite title after it became the company pass around title, but I feel like a Garcia win was the move here. The match was still great though.
Hopefully Roddy winning means OC can either take a small break, or they do what they should've done the first goddamned time he lost the title and move him into the World Title Picture. There was no reason to have him win it back after the arc his character had during reign one.
... We might gotta have a discussion about Toni when it comes to the in ring product, brehs. Obviously the gimmick is still golden and she's playing the hell out of the part, but her defenses have been heatless and truthfully, not as good as you'd expect given the talent involved.