Yukes and AEW about to make THE game of 2020.
Let’s be honest tho they’re roster is terrible and has no real names besides like 4-5 peopleYukes and AEW about to make THE game of 2020.
Let’s be honest tho they’re roster is terrible and has no real names besides like 4-5 people
Let’s be honest tho they’re roster is terrible and has no real names besides like 4-5 people
Syn Sophia only follows 12 Twitter accounts.Yukes and AEW about to make THE game of 2020.
Save us![]()
That looks like a Pepsiman Skullomania love child
Nope I never had WWF No Mercy or WCW/NWO RevengeLol you never played as AKI man?
I don’t see AEW staying around for that longWell, maybe after a year or so of being on TV, there will be names that resonate enough to do well. I mean ECW put out their game back in the day.... Same with TNA. Same scenarios played out, no success in the real world directly translated to no success in the gaming world.
Let's not act like Yukes don't have a solid name and rep already too.
Fighting VipersThat looks like a Pepsiman Skullomania love child
wwe 2k titles are thought of as ljn.
plus as far as 2k ball is concerned. Which is another whole convo for a separate forum.
That shyt is trash and finally people who have no frame of reference are seeing that.
yet that is a convo for another forum.
as far as wrasslin titles tho.
you do not understand the convo.
as far quality of product and real talk.
Plus the tide turning numerous way wcw lost the war to wwe. First because they lost the largest gateway property for the demographic. Which was video games and the quality of the aki engine over trash ass acclaim. When wcw never fought to keep aki. Plus showed how inept they were to ever let them walk. Is one of the huge contributors. as why they were where they were. plus are owned as a component of the wwe library moving forward. wcw, earned and got good faith.
from the video games from gateway fans and created the boom. As the gateway of video games and the aki engine being property of wcw. Is why they got to propel themselves with the general audience. in the change of the guard from snes to ps one. Plus the later change in exclusivity. When the aki engine became a exclusive in the n64. As the wcw aki engine game got two separate cycles of dominance over two gaming platforms. Organically and in two different sales envelopes as well. As they had the debuting Ps onE crowd. Then the debuting n64 crowd as well. To show they had what would become an imaginary grasp on the wherewithal to assertain quality of product. when aki left for wwf. That also signaled the end was near for wcw. As it showed they had no real barometer to compete via quality to the gateway boom consumer. especially since, the n64 title was an exclusive. Plus cost a hefty penny in stores for games.
later,...this same dynamic came to hurt the wwf as well.
not to mention when wwf did not retain the aki engine. It also signaled the end of them ever having the power to create a new gateway boom being born. Plus showed they did not understand quality at all. As the people at aki were free agents. Who, wwe could have done this 2k deal with the aki people a long time ago with. Plus actually owned the one gateway property. That would forever keep anyone from ever rivaling their product ever again.
plus it also signaled the boom period was over.
after the errant choice.
to allow the bf win at mania dynamic to be removed.
in favor of the son in law. In the four way at mania, where at the very least mick should have gone over. Let alone the actual rock being the real obvious choice.
couple those decisions together and the boom was never no more. Plus unless wwe ratcheted up quality in booking and creative. they were never going to capture lightning in a bottle ever again.
alternatively this dynamic still plays out today.
as every wrasslin company that has failed to rival the wwe. Is they have not done the market research in full. That showed the supplemental large gateway general consumer. was coming from the quality of the aki engine. Created by carryover frim the ps1 wcw aki game.
plus the aki n64 video game as a significant supplement to their draw. Tna and ecw both failed because they did not listen to the market research of the gateway consumer.
nor the actual reoccurring wrasslin consumer as swell. Plus the market research for the audience in full. as well as accurrately and indepthly. so when those company's had the moment in time to catch up and close the gap. They lost because they did not fully investigate into quality of game and went with acclaim twice. That signaled their death knell. Roh also has failed in the same regard. To understand the next thing they should have done after going to tv period on hdnet. Was to seek out the aki engine creators who were free agents. yet they have not and are in fear of going further back in perception than when they originally were solidifying their drawing placement in the industry. Same here as aew can easily win if they acquired the aki engine. As a matter of fact. It would propel them in the same but significant fractional regard. That was experienced in the presale lore of star wars action figures.
as aew is poised to create the finishing buzz and the death blow to wwe. If they simply acquired the aki engine team.
as by x's and o's to market research.
that is what separated and will separate them from being the top.company. Just like when wcw had the aki engine and the wwf did not.
I believe you were not around at all cognitively as a smart when this was occuring. Which is why you have disconnect to this dynamic as well.
art barr
Ya know, the Jap SS cheat code.Fighting Vipers![]()