Honestly THIS is whats happening in Philly right now. Anyone from Philly knows the the Girad area used to be low income...now its a hipster area with new luxury condos for students and upper middle class. This is going on in Templetown as well. They are pushing people in the projects RIGHT next to Temple out...all the while expanding the campus.
man i have seen it happen time and time again, first in NY and now in my own city read a really good article last year about it , about Harlem, think they called it reverse white flight or something , slowly but surely a lot white folks ( mostly single, very educated , right out of college types) are leaving the expensive suburbs and creeping back in the urban area , places where a lot of time they already work or work near, before they do a couple of these have to happen.
- Jobs , high end jobs have to be available to them , which believe it or not there u sally are, for as much as we here Philly, Newark, Detroit , Chicago etc being fukked up and ppl being poor check the downtown areas of these major cities i bet you there are a least of a couple of huge corporations based out of there. I will give you a two good examples, Panasonic is building there new U.S headquarters in downtown Newark and Prudential insurance is expanding there by constructing two huge brand new towers here too. So the jobs are there just
are not getting them.
-"Culture" , thats another cute little word that likes to get thrown around , they will say things like ooo "Harlem is getting its culture back" basically what this means is give the white folks some things to do in the city so they start to feel safe and want to spend a little bit of money here, now u dont want them spending money on anything that will help the city no u want them just spending money so they feel safe. My city is another good example about 2 maybe 3 years ago here in Newark, NJ a city which is in the high 85% of black/latino population they built a dam hockey arena right in the middle of downtown , now yea it is used for hockey and other events but VERY LITTLE of the native population goes there, shytt i could make a whole thread on that, but its very funny to be driving through downtown after a hockey games and seeing a couple of hundred of white people walking/driving around, and the amount of police after these events to keep them safe, it was so crazy here at one point that a protest was organized cause ppl didnt understand why we were getting 2 murders a night there was literally a dozen police officers helping to get white ppl to there cars lol many of these people work here or drive through here on there way to work but would have never dreamed of stopping, until the stadium and some other places where built
- last thing you have to provide for these young college grads is a safe place to stay, that happens by the 10 step process which i posted earlier and that to me is the most insulting one , ive been to the bad parts of Philly/Camden any one who has been there knows what am talking when i say they have this grim look about them , am not from those and my city isnt soft and those places make me depressed they just have this look about them like who wants to live there? so after the ten step process is out and u have displaced all the people , and trust me this is a slowwwwwwwww process, it goes block by block , after this is done and you have taken the streets from the blacks/Latino poor , you tear down and rebuild , again this is shyt that's been happening in cities all cross the country, ill use my city once more in downtown Newark one of the top 10-20 poorest cities in the countries you have a couple of luxury condos up , am talkin places that cost $1800-$28000 a month for a studio - 1/2 br apt , who u think lives there though? Those young folks i spoke about earlier, they work/live here or work in downtown nyc/live here, but spend there time for money for the most part out of here , and could care less about the concerns/issues affecting the black community
/end of rant
p.s nothing we / yall can do about as a whole , i suggest just trying to get your families/friends out of these place is you feel strongly about or trying integrating into them aka "get with the flow"