21 varieties of traditional African homosexuality :scust:

Lewis Black

May 10, 2012
Homosexuality has been since forever. Just like pedophiles. That don't make it right it tho.


RIP Fresh RIP Doe RIP Phat
Jul 12, 2013
So much blasphemy in that link

thanks god there were people spreading the truth in the comments

  1. In the case of the Igbo of Nigeria, it is not Homosexuality. A woman, marries a woman to continue the family name in such cases that she has no male sons. These women go and get pregnant outside and as such continue the family line. So keep your evil thoughts to those you have. The Igbo see Homosexuality as ARU. An abomination.


  2. ba07b5a446c95703f99f36d559d6f44d
    Tony Odiadi says:
    June 11, 2014 at 11:04 pm
    Interesting read this….but what has been related here is no African culture. Homosexual practices are strictly forbidden in Africa. Yes, categorisations of a woman as ‘husband’ of another woman may exist, it is by no means a depiction of actual sexual roles. As already indicated in some Igbo cultures, one woman may marry another woman to sustain the family line, actual sexual acts for procreation is done by a male cousin or relative to get the woman pregnant. So every such marriage or union must have a procreative purpose to it.
    What this report shows is an attempt to misrepresent practices of women to women relationships as evidence of African homosexualism. It is false….a warrior Yoruba woman can keep several other women in her service, but she truly has no sexual contact with any of them. Women are either wives or mistresses to men and all sex is male to female. Polygamy reigned to bring all women within reproductive possibility. Spinsterhood or permanent bachelorhood was mostly out of the question in Africa. In fact, a lot of people only read about homosexual activities through magazines. Things may be changing through copycat tendencies yet Africa cannot by itself condone homosexual practices.

Get this demonic cac lies out of here


Nov 17, 2017
:whoa:I was trying to SHOW AND PROVE that CACs invented teh gay.

:russ::russ::russ: I just saw this today, and i am dying here with the lies you presented.

Funny, you see that this is a big lie, because Ndongo, Kuba, Matamba, were created by people that were subordinates of the Kongo Kingdom. A little bit before, the contact between Europeans and the Kongo Kingdom, the Kuba separated and went to live in the interior, to an area where many europeans were died from diseases like Malaria, when they tried to explore it.

How do we explain, the fact that the Kuba people do not support homosexuality? :lolbron:

Even the bushmen, follow relationships based on Man and Woman, creating a family

Your kind really thinks, that you guys can lie forever

Why you albinoids can't just be homosexuals alone? Why you want every other group to follow your depravities?

What is coming next, you are going to say that Animal brothels were common in Africa too?

Or, ecosexuality was also common in Africa?

There was also an organization like NAMBLA, right?

And i bet that coprophagia in Africa, was like eating shrimp and steak

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Jun 26, 2015
21 varieties of traditional African homosexuality
Posted on January 30, 2014 by Colin Stewart



King Mwanga II of Buganda, the “gay king” who reportedly had sexual relations with men. (Photo courtesy of Sebaspace)

At least 21 cultural varieties of same-sex relationships have long been part of traditional African life, as demonstrated in a new report that is designed to dispel the confusion and lies surrounding Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Bill.

The following discussion and the 21 examples are from that report, “Expanded Criminalisation of Homosexuality in Uganda: A Flawed Narrative / Empirical evidence and strategic alternatives from an African perspective,” which was prepared by Sexual Minorities Uganda:

In their work anthropologists Stephen Murray and Will Roscoe provide wide‐ranging evidence in support of the fact that throughout Africa”s history, homosexuality has been a ‘‘consistent and logical feature of African societies and belief systems.”

Thabo Msibi of the University of Kwazulu‐Natal documents many examples in Africa of same-sex desire being accommodated within pre-colonial rule.”

Deborah P. Amory speaks of ‘‘a long history of diverse African peoples engaging in same-sex relations.”

Drawing on anthropological studies of the pre-colonial and colonial eras, it is possible to document a vast array of same-sex practises and diverse understandings of gender across the entire continent.

Examples include:

  1. One notably ‘‘explicit” Bushmen painting, which depicts African men engaging in same-sex sexual activity.
  2. In the late 1640s, a Dutch military attaché documented Nzinga, a warrior woman in the Ndongo kingdom of the Mbundu, who ruled as ‘‘king” rather than ‘‘queen”, dressed as a man and surrounded herself with a harem of young men who dressed as women and who were her ‘‘wives”.
  3. Eighteenth century anthropologist, Father J-B. Labat, documented the Ganga-Ya-Chibanda, presiding priest of the Giagues, a group within the Congo kingdom, who routinely cross-dressed and was referred to as ‘‘grandmother”.
  4. In traditional, monarchical Zande culture, anthropological records described homosexuality as ‘‘indigenous”. The Azande of the Northern Congo ‘‘routinely married” younger men who functioned as temporary wives – a practise that was institutionalised to such an extent that warriors would pay ‘‘brideprice” to the young man”s parents.
  5. Amongst Bantu-speaking Pouhain farmers (Bene, Bulu, Fang, Jaunde, Mokuk, Mwele, Ntum and Pangwe) in present-day Gabon and Cameroon, homosexual intercourse was known as bian nkû”ma– a medicine for wealth which was transmitted through sexual activity between men.
  6. Similarly in Uganda, amongst the Nilotico Lango, men who assumed ‘‘alternative gender status” were known as mukodo dako. They were treated as women and were permitted to marry other men.

  7. In the former Kingdom of Dahomey, women could be soldiers (above) and older women would sometimes marry younger women, according to anthropologist Melville Herkovits.

    Same-sex relationships were reported amongst other groups in Uganda, including the Bahima, …

  8. the Banyoro and …
  9. the Baganda. King Mwanga II, the Baganda monarch, was widely reported to have engaged in sexual relations with his male subjects.
  10. A Jesuit working in Southern Africa in 1606 described finding ‘‘Chibadi, which are Men attired like Women, and behave themselves womanly, ashamed to be called men”.
  11. In the early 17th century in present-day Angola, Portuguese priests Gaspar Azevereduc and Antonius Sequerius encountered men who spoke, sat and dressed like women, and who entered into marriage with men. Such marriages were ‘‘honored and even prized”.
  12. In the Iteso communities, based in northwest Kenya and Uganda, same-sex relations existed amongst men who behaved as and were socially accepted as women.
  13. Same-sex practises were also recorded among the Banyoro and …
  14. the Langi.
  15. In pre-colonial Benin, homosexuality was seen as a phase that boys passed through and grew out of.
  16. There were practises of female-female marriages amongst the Nandi and …
  17. Kisii of Kenya, as well as …
  18. the Igbo of Nigeria,
  19. the Nuer of Sudan and
  20. the Kuria of Tanzania.
  21. Among Cape Bantu, lesbianism was ascribed to women who were in the process of becoming chief diviners, known as isanuses.

In the 1600s in the Kingdom of Motapa in southern Africa (labeled “Monomotapa” on this map), Christian missionaries encountered cross-dressing men known as chibadi.

This is by no means an exhaustive list. Given the overwhelming evidence of pre-colonial same-sex relations which continued into the colonial and post-colonial eras, as well as historical evidence of diverse understandings of gender identity, it is clear that homosexuality is no more ‘‘alien” to Africa than it is to any other part of the world.

As stated by Murray and Roscoe: Numerous reports also indicate that in the highly sex-segregated societies of Africa, homosexual behaviour and relationships were not uncommon among peers, both male and female, especially in the years before heterosexual marriage. These kinds of relations were identified with specific terms and were to varying degrees institutionalized.

What the colonisers imposed on Africa was not homosexuality “but rather intolerance of it — and systems of surveillance and regulation for suppressing it.”

homosexuality was not traditional in any of the parts you mention. that lifestyles was banned in a lot of African societies. look it up.


Nov 17, 2017
you really bumped a three year old thread to say that

Yes, i actually just found this thread. I was seeing some videos on youtube, and there are a lot of morons like the OP, using Africa to justify their mental problems.

The point is, Africa is being used by blacks and non-blacks, to legitimize european depravities and degeneracies. Things that many black people fell in love with...Smh

OP is clearly an albinoid, and albinoids want everybody doing the stupidity that they have been doing for more than a 1000 years.

Double Burger With Cheese

May 6, 2012
Man what type of shyt is this. Some fukking white men named Stephen Murray and Will Roscoe are behind this shyt.

A quick google search shows these pasty mothafukkas wrote this book in 1998


My nikka, wtf:gucci: Then I found a pdf of this bullshyt. nikka the below is the very first paragraph of the preface. These white people are bold as fukk and out of control.

AMONG THE MANY MYTHS EUROPEANS HAVE CREATED ABOUT AFRICA, the myth that homosexuality is ab- sent or incidental in African societies is one of the oldest and most enduring. For Europeans, black Africans, of all the native peoples of the world, most epitomized “primitive man.” Since primitive man was supposed to be close to nature, ruled by instinct, and culturally unsophisticated, he had to be heterosexual, his sexual energies and outlets devoted exclusively to their “natural” purpose: bio- logical reproduction. If black Africans were the most primitive people in all humanity— if they were, indeed, human, which some debated— then they had to be the most heterosexual.

Guess what other books these fakkits wrote




Trust me it’s more, but I don’t have time to link images of all these fakkit ass books.

Why the fukk do people take these fake ass “scholars” seriously? And never trust the white mans version of any type of history. As a matter of fact, if you don’t have all the facts, just believe the exact opposite of what they trying to tell you