A fundamental distinction between the two camps in here seems to be that a lot of dyed in the wool Democratic operatives/stans - both in here and running the actual Democratic Party apparatus - believe that (Democratic) politicians/Presidents can't fail the people, it's the people that fail the politicians/President. So if Joe Biden's policy choices turn off potential voters, the correct course of action isn't to pressure Biden to change his policy, it's to browbeat and lambaste and cajole the voters into ignoring the policy and just
holding their noses while they step over the piles of dead bodies and mutilated children Joe Biden has chosen to line the path to the voting booth with. This is, of course, a deeply cynical, broken, antisocial vision of political participation that has enabled the continual backsliding into the worse and worse political choices and social outcomes that we all decry. But it's quite impossible for these Democratic operatives/stans to develop any sort of rational, sensible understanding of
why our politics are getting worse, or better yet how to pull out of this political death spiral, precisely because their natural posture is back-bent and fearful, completely deferential to power and the political leadership that wields it. To them, it is almost insulting to request the political servants serve their interests.
One of the saddest realizations is that a lot of people yearn for the yoke.