2024 U.S. Presidential Election Thread: Donald Trump wins & will return to the White House; GOP wins U.S. Senate & U.S. House


  • Total voters


Nov 1, 2015
October 2024

The Blowout No One Sees Coming​



Pollsters are expected to be fortune tellers. We’re often asked, “what’s going to happen in the election?” Credible pollsters’ predictions are grounded in reliable data and an understanding of voting behavior, not wishful thinking or reinforcing currently held perceptions. The current prevailing narrative about the U.S. Presidential race is that it’s tight–too close to call. The reality is this race is breaking for the Harris-Walz ticket.

Vantage has been tracking seven swing states daily since August. Until recently, the race consistently appeared as a toss-up. Just a few days ago, the numbers started to shift. It's clear the momentum is moving away from Trump. Here's how our nightly tracking data (1,200 interviews per state) stacks up against what FiveThirtyEight (538) and RealClearPolitics (RCP) are reporting in their averages.


Noise in the Numbers: The Great Polling Mirage 


Why do our numbers tell a different story than the averages? Simple: public polling is riddled with noise.

Republicans are in serious trouble, though few are willing to acknowledge it. Every major Republican Senate candidate is trailing in swing states according to leaked Senate Leadership Fund polling. Some split-ticket voting still happens, but every major Senate race is down by 5-8 points while Trump leads in the presidential polls. The math just doesn’t add up.

Let’s take a look at how our Senate numbers compare to the FiveThirtyEight (538) and RealClearPolitics (RCP) averages.

In Figure 2a, this chart shows our margin in each Senate race we’re tracking, side by side with the 538 and RCP margins. Our numbers are very similar, except for the Florida Senate race between Debbie Powell and Rick Scott. Powell overtaking Scott is a recent development in our numbers this week.


In Figure 2b, the chart highlights the Pearson correlation coefficients, which measure the strength of the relationship between Vantage’s Senate polling numbers and the averages from 538 and RCP. While Pearson correlation is typically more effective with larger datasets, we are using it here to emphasize key differences between our data and the polling averages from 538 and RCP. A Pearson coefficient close to 1 indicates a strong positive correlation, meaning that our numbers are closely aligned with theirs. In this case, our correlation of 0.91 with 538 and 0.89 with RCP shows that our Senate polling is highly consistent with these averages. This shows that our Senate numbers are in step with the majority of polling consensus.


Looking at the U.S. Presidential numbers (3a and 3b) we see a completely different story. Our presidential numbers show a correlation of 0.13 with 538 and -0.25 with RCP. This means that our numbers differ dramatically from their averages. So how can our Senate polling be so closely aligned with theirs, yet our U.S. Presidential ballots seem to be on a completely different track? Are we just flat-out wrong, or are we picking up on something that others are missing?

Some point to split-ticket voting as the explanation, but that’s not the case. There have been fewer than 200 split-ticket outcomes in presidential and Senate races since 1948. Since 2016, only one split-ticket result has occurred—Biden and Susan Collins in 2020. As partisanship deepens, these split-ticket outcomes are becoming even rarer. This trend is supported by research from political scientist Gary Jacobson, who found a 0.95 correlation between presidential and Senate vote shares in 2020, showing just how interconnected these races have become.


The figure above shows the Pearson correlation coefficients between presidential and Senate vote shares in 2016 and 2020. A correlation close to 1 indicates that voters are sticking to party lines in both races, while a correlation near 0 suggests more frequent split-ticket voting. A correlation of 0.91 in 2016 and 0.95 in 2020 indicates that the vast majority of voters were sticking to their party when voting in both the presidential and Senate races, leaving very little room for split-ticket voting. These high correlations show that voting patterns in those years were overwhelmingly partisan, with voters choosing the same party for both races, making split-ticket outcomes increasingly rare.


To compare the historical average correlation between presidential and Senate vote shares in 2016 and 2020, we measured it against our polling data and a combined average from 538 and RCP. Our polling data shows a correlation of 0.87, which is close to the historical norm. This suggests that our polling is capturing voter behavior in line with what we’ve seen in recent elections.

538 and RCP show a negative correlation of -0.05, which is far off the historical trend. A negative correlation suggests that their polling is showing a decoupling of Senate and Presidential voting patterns, meaning a high amount of split ticket voting would be taking place in the swing states, which is historically very rare.

So, what do we know?

  • Our Senate numbers align with the 538 and RCP averages, showing consistency.
  • Our presidential numbers diverged from the 538 and RCP averages.
  • But our presidential/Senate numbers are highly correlated with historical voting trends, whereas the 538 and RCP averages are not.

This points to three possible explanations:

1) we're wrong, and an unprecedented level of split-ticket voting will occur in the swing states, 2) a significant portion of Trump voters remain undecided in Senate races, or 3) these averages are reflecting a significant amount of noise.

Split Ticket Theory​

The split ticket theory doesn’t hold much water, especially considering the high correlation between partisanship and voter behavior. One particularly confusing case is in North Carolina where Lt. Governor Mark Robinson’s disastrous gubernatorial campaign is sinking every race on the ticket. Robinson is trailing by 22 points overall and a staggering 41 points among women. Yet, Trump is leading by 0.4-1.2 in the averages. It’s hard to imagine a Republican losing by 41 points among women while Trump is supposedly running a close race. Even without the gender gap, the idea that Robinson is down 22 points while Trump is ahead defies logic. This would be a 23% split ticket margin, which would be astonishing.

Trump Undecideds Theory​

Much like the Split Ticket Theory, the Trump Undecideds Theory, doesn't hold up either. This theory suggests that the decoupling of presidential and Senate races is due to most undecided Senate voters being Trump supporters. The main idea is that their lack of familiarity with the GOP Senate candidates keeps them undecided, but on election day, they will vote for the Republican candidate.

Below is a table showing the name recognition of each Republican Senate candidate. The "No Opinion" column indicates the percentage of likely voters who are unfamiliar with the candidate, and the "(R) No Opinion" column shows the percentage of likely Republican voters who are unfamiliar with the candidate.

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Nov 1, 2015
This chart shows that all Republican candidates have significant name recognition among both likely voters and Republican likely voters. In fact, when looking at the candidate's favorability within this subgroup, it becomes clear that these voters are undecided because they hold an unfavorable view of the Republican Senate candidate. However, for the sake of argument, we analyzed our latest 5,000 responses from each swing state to explore what would happen if all undecided Trump supporters in the Senate races shifted their support to the Republican Senate candidate. To do this, we calculated the percentage of undecideds who indicated support for either Trump or Harris in our survey and applied those percentages to the Senate vote shares from 538, RCP, and Vantage to evaluate the impact. If undecided Trump supporters were responsible for the decoupling between presidential and Senate race results, we would expect to see a complete shift in the margins.


The chart above shows that this adjustment had a minimal impact in the overall numbers. The net average between 538, RCP, and Vantage was -1.01, indicating only a slight change toward Republicans.

This leaves us with on final explanation: the averages are pure noise.

What's Fueling the Noise?

A recent article in the National Journal quoted Democratic consultant Simon Rosenberg who predicted that conservative polling groups would flood the media with polling showing a close race. He was right. In 2022, we saw a similar pattern with the Republican “Red Wave,” where skewed polls inflated the averages. Now, Democratic polling groups may be playing the same game, keeping their internal polls with bullish numbers under wraps to keep the race appearing as close as possible and their voters engaged.

Averages like those from 538 and RCP try to counter these biases by minimizing outliers and accounting for partisan effects. However, the problem is that every publicly released poll is biased. No one is releasing a $25,000–$80,000 poll out of the goodness of their heart. When a campaign releases a poll, it’s not to inform the public; it’s to shape public perception in favor of their candidate or agenda. No campaign is going to openly tell a reporter, "We’re in big trouble." They know media outlets love polls because they lend credibility, allowing the media to say, "We’ve got the real story." This creates an interdependent relationship between campaigns, pollsters, and the media.

Independent polling groups are not immune either. Many prefer to be wrong with the crowd rather than risk standing as outliers, so they adjust their numbers and reinforce the faulty averages.

So, what’s being missed in all the noise? A significant widening of the gender gap and Harris’ growing support among independents, which is propelling her toward a potential 300+ electoral college victory.

Mind the Gap 

Women are showing unprecedented enthusiasm in this election, driven by issues like abortion and the potential to elect the first female president. In 2016, the gender gap—measuring the difference between male and female voting patterns—was one of the largest in U.S. history (24 points). Many believed it was an anomaly, but the trend has persisted, and it shows no signs of slowing down for 2024. In fact, it might be one of the widest gender gaps ever recorded.


Understanding the gender gap shows how voting patterns differ between men and women, but it doesn’t tell you which candidate benefits from it. To figure this out, we use the net gender gap (figure 6), which is the difference between the lead among women and the lead among men. For example, in Michigan, if Harris leads women by 8 points and Trump leads men by 7 points, Harris has a net gender gap of +1.

In 2016, Trump had an average +6 net advantage in the swing states, helping him win all but Nevada. By 2020, this margin had shrunk to just +0.14 average. Now, in 2024, the story has shifted dramatically—Harris heads into Election Day with an average +3.6 net advantage, holding a substantial lead in all swing states, except Arizona.

This shift presents a serious problem for Trump in key states like North Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, where he once held a net advantage in both 2016 and 2020. Now, Trump risks losing two, possibly all three, of these must-win states:

  • Georgia: With 56% to 57% of likely voters being women, Harris holds a clear edge.
  • Florida: The abortion referendum is expected to drive record-high female turnout, which doesn’t put the state out of the question.
  • North Carolina: Trump's challenges with women are being amplified by the chaos surrounding the gubernatorial race, further tipping the scales in Harris’ favor.

Both campaigns are well aware of the gender gap issue and have recently attempted to address it. The Trump campaign held an all-women audience at a Fox News town hall, while the Harris campaign enlisted former President Obama to help engage African American men.

While both campaigns scramble to address the gender gap, they may be missing an even greater shift: independents in key swing states are now breaking heavily for Harris.

The Independent Signal 


In 2016, Trump held a commanding lead among independent voters in swing states, winning these voters by an average margin of 8.5 points. However, by 2020, this advantage had completely flipped to Biden, who won independent voters in swing states by an average of 7.5 points. This trend seems to have continued into 2024, as we’re seeing a dramatic surge in support for Harris from independent voters. Since the end of September, her lead among independents has jumped from an average of 5.6 points to an impressive 15.7 point average. This shift represents a clear signal in the data—independents are now breaking decisively for Harris, and they’re breaking hard, cutting through the usual noise that can cloud polling averages.


States like Arizona, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Florida have seen the most dramatic shifts in independent voter support since the beginning of October. In Arizona and Nevada, the trend lines show a consistent surge toward Harris, as independents move away from Trump. Pennsylvania, however, is showing signs of leveling off after a strong initial shift toward Harris.


Harris has gained notable independent support in Georgia this week, even though the shift seems marginal compared to other states. In Michigan, the trend lines for independents are essentially dead even. Meanwhile, North Carolina stands out as the only state where Harris’ support among independents shows the gap closing.


Florida’s Shifting Ground

Can Harris take Florida? Possibly, but we don’t expect Trump to lose. He’s been polling ahead by +2 to +4 for a while, and Harris’ recent gains are within the margin of error.

Although Trump’s million-vote advantage from new registrations makes flipping Florida difficult, there are a few key indicators to watch out for.

Harris’ Favorability:​

Harris’ favorability is slightly better than Trumps, and we’ve never seen a candidate win with worse favorability.

Abortion Amendment:​

The abortion referendum is getting close to passing and it’s widening the gender gap. Governor DeSantis is using state resources to oppose it, and we’re already seeing backlash among women in our trendlines. On top of that you have advocacy groups spending millions to get women out to vote for the amendment. We could see one of the highest female turnouts in Florida history.

Scott v. Powell:​

The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee is pouring millions into the state to take down Rick Scott. But they can’t do this without beating Trump, and they’re getting dangerously close to doing just that.


National polls showing a close race are irrelevant. The only polls that matter are those from the swing states where the electoral college will be decided. Both parties want to keep the perception of a close race to motivate their voters, so the narrative of a neck-and-neck race will persist until Election Day. Whether it’s due to faulty polling, media spin, or a strategy designed to keep voters engaged, reality is starting to break through. This election could be shaping up to be a blowout, and it’s time to focus on the actual data—not just what we’re being told. 



Feb 3, 2016

I'm in Kansas and I have to say I'm surprised by the lack of open Trump flags and signs like there were previously.

Hell there's one house down the road from me that the owner does custom wood working specifically flags. And he always has blue lives matter stuff on display. He's got a Harris Walz banner on the side of his house. Not on my bingo card for sure. My city is purple. We split ticket often. But we're the largest non KC metro city. So it would be crazy to see what happens if Trump lost here.

Trust Me

Coli Prophet
May 1, 2012
That CNN incident is the result of trying to cater to both sides. All for the sake of catering to imaginary conservatives. News flash most CAC conservatives love their lil echo chamber that FOX news provides, and when they can’t get that they will shift over to news maxx and Qanon
CNN made that heel turn about 2 years ago when they decided on ratings vs substance in their reporting. I remember how they were the ‘go to’ station because they kept it somewhat down the middle, with the slightest of tilts to the left. Now that’s all said in done, for the purpose of money and ratings. Too bad for them, you can’t just get you credibility and/or dignity back. They fukked up.


One Of The Last Real Ones To Do It
Apr 1, 2013
New York City

Hmmm. Dunno, I just feel like this has cut through the social/pop consciousness in a way that many Trump comments don't. He's been calling immigrants animals for weeks, making weird comments about blood and genetics. Lots of odd rambling. But it's hard to ignore or assume he's not talking about you when your entire country gets called a pile of trash.

I think the term immigrant is so broad everyone was about to cognitively lie to themselves he was talking about another group. Puerto Ricans hold a special place among Latinos because they all have citizenship. So to call them a garbage island means that is basically everyone else. Then the line about cumming inside And babies is a classic Latino racist stereotype. It hit different because they couldn’t deflect as a group. It wasn’t immigrants coming from a shyt hole it was Puerto Rico which is basically on the level of any other Latin country. Like the joke on black people, Trump will always say vague shyt like “Blacks for Trump” love me and praise his supporters as being smarter than normal which is implying the majority of us is dumb. That comedian said we carve watermelons on Halloween.

The lack of verbal finesse is what fukked them up.

Trump is vague on purpose in his bullshyt to let people hear what they want to hear to lie to themselves. That comedian didnt understand it and just started shytting on everyone. People can’t lie to themselves after that and we’re seeing the break to the left.


Nov 1, 2015


Nov 1, 2015

“It’s just a joke” doing some heavy lifting the last 24 hours.

[Quoted tweet]
You can stay on CNN if you falsely call every Republican a Nazi and have taken money from Qatar-funded media. Apparently you can't go on CNN if you make a joke. I'm glad America gets to see what CNN stands for.

Backtracking. 🙄

Was great for their ratings, expect even more of this Jerry Springer crap from @CNN .

@CNN exists to make their shareholders money, not to inform the electorate, or for truth, or to defend democracy, etc

Bad stuff often starts as "it's just a joke."



Ryan Girdusky blaming others for disgracing himself.

Yep. And no one is buying it.

We certainly got to see what he stands for


[Quoted tweet]
On some level, the "just joking" claim is disingenuous in any context, because to a Trumpist, "SCOTUS just decided your interracial marriage is illegal, cry more" is itself a joke.
Cruelty and violence are "jokes" to them because Trumpists have dehumanized us as targets.

dril has a tweet for ever occasion.This one works for Ryan.


To post tweets in this format, more info here: https://www.thecoli.com/threads/tips-and-tricks-for-posting-the-coli-megathread.984734/post-52211196


Nov 1, 2015

"She's a fascist" -- Trump

Someone please alert Mike Johnson and Mitch McConnell!


Trump: "If something goes wrong and Marjorie Taylor Greene with that beautiful blonde hair is driving down the highway in a hydrogen car ... you're not recognizable ... she's no longer recognizable. We found some of her."


"I like China and I like President Cheese" -- Trump


Trump on women: "I am going to protect them from migrants coming into our country that kill 7 people ... I'm going protect them from having people come into our country and do damage to a woman."


Trump: "Oh, Congo. They're sending a lot of their peep-- cause you know what? They don't want to take care of them. They're gonna send them here. We have a lot. Them come out of Congo prisons. But they come from Africa."


Trump: "The American public is outraged that Kamala is importing savage criminal who assault, rape, murder our women and our girls."


As always, dipping into part of a Kamala Harris rally while a Trump rally is going on is a surreal experience. Listen to the difference!


Trump: "The United States is now an occupied country ... I will rescue every city and town that has been invaded and conquered. These towns have been conquered, you know."

(It should go without saying that this is nonsense.)


Trump: "Everyone knows she is a low IQ individual"


"All of your sons and daughters will end up getting a draft notice" -- Trump


About a minute later Trump attacked Harris for "not being able to put two sentences together"

[Quoted tweet]
Trump: Kamala Harris is a train weck wreck. This is a train wreck


Trump butchers Elise Stefanik's name


Trump: "As California attorney general she redefined sex tria-- ah -- think of this -- sex child trafficking."


this video that Trump plays at each one of his rallies is so grossly transphobic while glorifying an awful notion of military service


Trump's signature move


That's it for Trump's rally in Atlanta. If you appreciate me watching it so you didn't have to, please show love by signing up for my newsletter. I think you'll enjoy Public Notice and paid subscribers make my work possible. Thanks. Subscribe to Public Notice

Let me note in closing that putting together threads like this is a breeze thanks to @SnapStream, the premier tool for social media video. If your company or organization wants to clip like me, check out the link below for more info and to set up a demo. Aaron gets clips with SnapStream to make moments that matter

Thomas the Tank Engine would hate this guy.

Train wreck calling someone a train weck 😁😁🤣🤣

@KamalaHarris spends $451 billion a year on housing, healthcare, food, & education for illegals

@VP spends hundreds of billions more on wars killing kids

Only $3 billion for homeless vets & $750 for hurricane victims



/search?q=#Trump /search?q=#Kamala

I’m looking forward to some judges putting some sentences together for this chump.

To post tweets in this format, more info here: https://www.thecoli.com/threads/tips-and-tricks-for-posting-the-coli-megathread.984734/post-52211196


Seduce & Scheme
Apr 30, 2012
My question would be how could that pro-choice republican make it out a republican primary alive? Can individual republicans running for senate or governor win like that? Sure, that's happened many times over the last few decades. But there's no way a republican wins the GOP presidential nomination on a pro-choice platform.

I agree politicians aren't earnest. I also believe the important issues are endless battlefields and nobody ever declares victory. Republicans went from calling for outright repeals of the New Deal to deciding the best political approach was a slow progressive dismantling of the programs (SS and Medicaid, specifically). For decades the republican approach to abortion was to say "I'm pro-life but Roe is the law of the land." All while appointing judges that slowly set the table for its repeal. You see the same thing with Obamacare now, which is incredibly popular to the point no one wants to outright repeal it...but instead they want to slowly dismantle it.

Abortion is a third rail issue and we finally got to see what happens when a party grabs one. The losses they've taken since Dobbs are wild. And if Kamala wins, whoever emerges as the 2028 candidate will have the same baggage. There really is no escaping this, it has completely changed women's approach to politics in my opinion. Does that mean republicans never win another election? No, of course not. It just makes it much harder, and will progressively require worse and worse economic conditions in order for them to make it work.
This goofy @mastermind said what if a republican said they where pro abortion:mjlol:

White evangelicals a are pro life and republican can’t win anything without them


the heir apparent
Jun 21, 2012
everything In Your post is in relation to Isreal post October 7th 2023. We pretty much knew this would be the result of Hamas invading Isreal on that date. So I ask again..

why did Hamas invade Isreal?

My guy, at some point you're either going to need to admit you don't pay attention to international news, or you need to stop participating in these conversations all together. There is no shame in being ignorant on a topic, but there is significant shame to not knowing what you're talking about but still confidently participating in topics and making yourself look like a jackass.

Educate yourself. If you think that Israel's human rights violations against the Palestinians began on October 7, you are very badly in need of information.

Please stop making these ignorant remarks and actually research these topics before you comment. I have included links below regarding events that preceded October 7 to make this easy for you.

Countdown to genocide: the year before October 7 - JVP

2023 marks deadliest year on record for children in the occupied West Bank - occupied Palestinian territory

West Bank: Spike in Israeli Killings of Palestinian Children