Shawn Michaels in the background doing the Birdman Hand Rub thoughFor the 2025 version of this thread title needs to change to include female stars too. Bianca has been nerfed. Ever since it was revealed she was sharing the cover of the game with Rhea it seems the company has went outbof their way to make sure that she seems lesser in comparison. Granted it will take a whole lot to downplay someone of hwr status Triple K has certainly done his best.

I don't think 2025 gets to have that problem. We gonna have some stuff whether they want it or not. Oba. Trick. Kelani. Lash.
Oh... and who's that guy. The former NFL running back with the lightning-fast spring, a fade and bronze skin, destined for the WHC 

let me stop before my joke makes Racist-ass Rick disown his son for associating with us