2022 Midterm Elections: NO RED WAVE! - GOP Takes U.S. House; Dems Keep U.S. Senate


May 2, 2012
so you're a fearful p*ssy, who needs a democrat to tell you how to live your life. even after you've been vaccinated

i would find that embarrassing :yeshrug: but it's your life

I don't even know what this babble is supposed to mean. :yeshrug:

We get it bro, you're more enraged at wearing a cloth mask over your face than you are the Capitol getting stormed. :yeshrug: Weird thing to be so brazen about on a majority 'black' board, but do you creh.

the cac mamba

May 21, 2012
I don't even know what this babble is supposed to mean. :yeshrug:

We get it bro, you're more enraged at wearing a cloth mask over your face than you are the Capitol getting stormed. :yeshrug: Weird thing to be so brazen about on a majority 'black' board, but do you creh.
everyone who stormed the capitol should get 25 to life, especially donald trump

now, as a vaccinated democrat, i refuse to wear a mask. so which part of that do you have a problem with

Piff Perkins

May 29, 2012
Using twitter posts from randoms to prove macro level points is dumb shyt. That being said...I don't think dems will ever give up the identity shyt because it's all they have. They aren't doing shyt for anyone beyond ensuring Medicaid flows without hiccups. Keeping people obsessed with identity politics, keeping them obsessed with scoring points who who isn't pure enough or who deserves ridicule (even after death) because they didn't believe xyz...that's all they have man.

Assuming republicans take one or both House and senate next year...they're gonna roll into 2024 with zero recent accomplishments. Just yearly debt limit battles, yearly extortion attempts on entitlement programs. We're watching a slow walking disaster play out.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

Democrats should pay attention to Klobuchar
Jennifer Rubin
5-6 minutes

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg has continued his meteoric rise after his improbable presidential run in 2020. Making good use of his wonkishness and verbal acuity, he is one of the administration’s best spokesmen for its most popular accomplishment, infrastructure, even venturing onto Fox News. However, there is another, less flashy, beneficiary of the 2020 presidential race who may help chart the future of her party.

Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) has maximized her role as chairwoman of the Senate Rules and Administration Committee, putting her front and center in the battle to pass President Biden’s agenda. She’s perfected the art of framing an issue in populist terms and casting Republicans as the Scrooges of American politics.

Appearing on CNN’s “State of the Union” on Sunday, she argued that a key reason Democrats will pass the Build Back Better bill is that “we’re paying the highest prices for drugs, for prescription drugs, of any country in the world. Yet our taxpayers have funded all this research.” She added: “This Build Back Better bill is the first time we’re finally going to take on pharma. We’re willing to do it. The Republicans are not.”

She reiterated that the key Democrat to reaching a deal, Sen. Joe Manchin III (D-W.Va.) “is someone — he gets our country.” Making her best populist pitch to a senator from a poor state she declared, “He gets the plight of so many people in West Virginia, and how they have been having to pay more for prescription drug prices. He’s been actually a strong proponent of taking on pharma to bring down prescription drug prices.” That’s how you sell a progressive goal to a conservative, critical senator.

She is also a key player in the fight for voting reform, having helped broker with Manchin and other Senate Democrats a compromise voting rights bill, the Freedom to Vote Act. The bill not only addresses voter suppression but also recognizes the arguably greater threat of vote-rigging and voting subversion (by providing for protections for elections officials from partisan removal, protection against intimidation, penalties for refusal to certify votes, and standardized audits). Should Build Back Better and voting rights get over the finish line, Klobuchar will claim a measure of credit, not to mention strengthen her standing with African American voters. (She is also championing a bill to regulate social media companies such as Instagram that studies show are injurious to kids — a political winner for which there is rare bipartisan support.)

However, more than her dogged pursuit of legislation, the Minnesota senator consistently evidences the ability to frame contentious issues in ways designed to cajole rather than insult red-state voters who may still be persuadable. CNN’s Jake Tapper asked her about Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.), who decided to snub mask-wearing at Bob Dole’s memorial service as he sat next to cancer survivor Klobuchar. Rather than tearing into Cruz (an opportunity many would relish), she explained the obligations we have to one another:

I think people should wear masks, especially when they’re in settings when they’re supposed to. I think part of our duty as civic leaders is actually to model behavior, because it’s not just about masks. It’s also about vaccines. And Ted Cruz, he’s gotten a vaccine. He gets that.

And part of what I don’t want to get lost here is why we were there. We were there to honor Bob Dole and his memory. Bob Dole was all about consensus, bringing people together. And let’s not forget that.

You have to admire her finesse in reminding Cruz’s anti-vax base that Cruz himself is vaccinated. And in extolling a revered Republican for consensus-building and civil rights support (e.g., making Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday a national holiday), Klobuchar cleverly knocks the current brand of obstructionist Republicans while appealing to the better angels of Americans’ nature.

Coming from the heartland where she has earned the votes of rural conservative voters, Klobuchar has honed her skill in advancing progressive causes while extolling American values (e.g., selflessness, responsibility, tolerance). It would be awfully hard to paint her as a “socialist” intent on pushing wacky left-wing views on ordinary Americans.

Follow Jennifer Rubin‘s opinionsFollow

Other Democrats would do well to listen to her — and adopt a values-based message aimed at adding to the Democrat base, not offending potential swing voters.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

Post-Mortem Part Two: The American Dream Voter



Piff Perkins

May 29, 2012
Funny thing is you know leftist twitter will now whip out the Cuba/Castro playbook and accuse Hispanics who are concerned about socialism of being well off upper class people fleeing the glorious revolution. In reality whether they're picking vegetables in the fields or running businesses...these folks are NOT rocking with perceived socialism or the vapid democrat message, which has nothing to say to businesspeople or workers.

There is no Obama to save them this time. I think democrats are finished. Sure I can see Biden or Harris beating Trump solely because he's Trump, but if he doesn't run? Or if we skip to 2028? Not looking good.