Damn. We got work to do then. Can’t be slippingBoth were down in '22...

Damn. We got work to do then. Can’t be slippingBoth were down in '22...
I actually thought it was getting better in my city…guess not
Majority of the cities with so high numbers population be under 350,000 and financially poor
GentrificationNewark has improved so much.
The truth is artificial scarcity aka poverty aka state violence.Only 4 of the Top 10 and 7 of the Top 20 cities are less than 350,000. These are mainly cities with sizable populations...
Where I will agree is that these are mostly cities that struggle economically...
The other sobering trend is that the Top 8 cities, which are all over 40 homicides per 100,000, are all over 43% black. It's ammo for people who stereotype cities as the blacker they are, the more violent they are...
Chicago hasn't went through gentrification like other cities yet. Most segregated city in America. You can still find a crib for $800 in the hood. I'm sure that does not exist in NYC or LA.Chicago has about 86 less homicides than nyc & l.a. combined & it’s significantly smaller in size & population than both
Been watching that George Chidi YSL case some damning things said about Atlanta
Basically painted as a city great for in-movers but terrible for native black Atlantans where black Atlantans have some of the lowest rates of social mobility in the country meaning being born poor in Atlanta likely means dying poor in Atlanta.