Iphone 8 128GB. Last phone was the 6s, I’m a big fan of Touch Id so I’ve been holding out on an upgrade. Also, both my 8 and 6s are paid in full. My 6s is my backup/int’l phone.
Only “issue” is my 6s looks worn, I don’t do cases so it has knicks and scratches but no cracks. Same with my 8, little scuffs here and there but nothing material.
I was hoping the 14 would have the under the screen touch id but not looking like that’s happening anytime soon so I’ll likey upgrade to the 14 when it drops. I’ll go replace the battery on my 8 then sell both the 6s and 8 when I get the 14, add some money, then get the 12 Or 13 as my backup/international phone.
Honestly, if they had an SE2022 Plus, I’d switch to that.