
Jan 26, 2017
Roger Lau is running a masterclass. This is the most disciplined well-organized campaign I've ever seen. Releasing that WFP endorsement on a Monday then following it up with a huge rally and a couple of major media appearances has Warren dominating the news cycle this week. I really admire how her team just moves in silence and gets shyt done. I imagine her adminstration being run with the same precision.

Just dont ask her well run campaign about her healthcare plan :mjlol:

Its September and she still haven't given us concrete details

Berniewood Hogan

Aug 1, 2012

When Bernie is president, he will:

Build the Millions of Affordable Housing Units We Need

Invest $1.48 trillion over 10 years in the National Affordable Housing Trust Fund to build, rehabilitate, and preserve the 7.4 million quality, affordable and accessible housing units necessary to eliminate the affordable housing gap, which will remain affordable in perpetuity. Units constructed with this funding will be eligible to be located in mixed-income developments.

Use federal preemption laws to ensure these new units are not segregated or excluded by local zoning ordinances.

Invest an additional $400 billion to build 2 million mixed-income social housing units to be administered through the National Affordable Housing Trust Fund, which will help desegregate and integrate communities. This plan will guarantee equity in social housing units, ensuring no inequality of services or conditions within units.

Expand USDA’s Section 515 program by $500 million to build new affordable developments in rural areas, and protect existing units from being converted to market rate housing.

Increase funding for the Indian Housing Block Grant Program to $3 billion to build, preserve, and rehabilitate affordable housing in Indian country.

Revitalize Our Public Housing Stock

Invest $70 billion to repair and modernize public housing including making all public housing accessible and provide access to high-speed broadband for all public housing residents.

Repeal the Faircloth Amendment to allow the construction of new public housing units.

Ensure that public housing has high-quality, shared community spaces.

Through the Green New Deal, electrify and decarbonize all public housing by conducting deep energy retrofits including appliances, power, and heating.

Make Rent Affordable

Fully fund tenant-based Section 8 rental assistance at $410 billion over the next 10 years and make it a mandatory funding program for all eligible households.

Strengthen the Fair Housing Act and implement a Section 8 non-discrimination law, so that landlords can no longer discriminate against low-income families based on their source of income.

Expand and strengthen enforcement of the Small Area Fair Market Rent rule to make sure that landlords are fairly compensated when they participate in Section 8, but do not make a windfall from the program.

Protect Tenants

Enact a national cap on annual rent increases at no more than 3 percent or 1.5 times the Consumer Price Index (whichever is higher) to help prevent the exploitation of tenants at the hands of private landlords.

Allow for landlords to apply for waivers if significant capital improvements are made, which will incentivize landlords to improve the conditions of their properties.
Allow states and cities to pass even stronger rent control standards.

Implement a “just-cause” requirement for evictions, which would allow a landlord to evict a tenant only for specific violations and prevent landlords from evicting tenants for arbitrary or retaliatory reasons.

Provide $2 billion in federal matching grants for states and localities to provide a right to counsel for persons in eviction or foreclosure proceedings, or at risk of losing their Section 8 rental assistance.

Combat Gentrification, Exclusionary Zoning, Segregation, and Speculation

Create an office within the Department of Housing and Urban Development to coordinate and work with states and municipalities to strengthen rent control and tenant protections, implement fair and inclusive zoning ordinances, streamline review processes and direct funding where these changes are made. This office will convene key leaders, academics, experts, local officials, renters, tenants, and homeowners to create and implement these necessary solutions.

Preempt laws that prevent inclusionary zoning for luxury developments.

End exclusionary and restrictive zoning ordinances and replace them with zoning that encourages racial, economic, and disability integration that makes housing more affordable.

Require that recipients of federal funding from the Department of Transportation and the Department of Housing and Urban Development make these important zoning reforms.

Provide funding to states that preempt local exclusionary zoning ordinances to make housing more equitable, accessible and affordable for all.

Make federal funding contingent on creating livable communities.

Encourage zoning and development that promotes integration and access to public transportation to reduce commuting time, congestion and long car commutes.

Prioritize projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, create walkable and livable communities, and reduce urban sprawl.

Encourage zoning and development designed to expand and maximize the number of units fully accessible to people with disabilities.

Place a 25 percent House Flipping tax on speculators who sell a non-owner-occupied property, if sold for more than it was purchased within 5 years of purchase.

Impose a 2 percent Empty Homes tax on the property value of vacant, owned homes to bring more units into the market and curb the use of housing as speculative investment.

Encourage “circuit breakers” on property taxes to protect homeowners in gentrifying neighborhoods from being priced out of their own homes as their property values rise.

End Homelessness in America

Prioritize 25,000 National Affordable Housing Trust Fund units in the first year to house the homeless.

Double McKinney-Vento homelessness assistance grants to more than $26 billion over the next five years to build permanent supportive housing.

Provide $500 million in funding to states and localities to provide outreach to the homeless to help connect them to case management and social services to ensure nobody is left behind.

Fair Housing for All

Create an independent National Fair Housing Agency similar to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau dedicated to protecting renters from housing discrimination, investigating landlords who misuse Section 8 vouchers, and enforce housing standards for renters. The Fair Housing Agency will also conduct audits to hold landlords and sellers engaged in housing discrimination accountable.

Create an office within the Fair Housing Agency to protect mobile home residents from housing discrimination, rent instability and unjust evictions.

Fully fund the Fair Housing Assistance and Fair Housing Initiatives Programs at $1 billion over the next 10 years.

Pass the Equality Act to include LGBTQ+ Americans in the Fair Housing Act.

Implement the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing rule blocked by President Trump’s administration to ensure that federal funds will promote fair housing.

Enforce the Olmstead decision, Section 504, and the Americans with Disabilities Act to ensure access to accessible, integrated housing.

Ensure that all new Section 811 supportive housing is fully integrated.

Make sure that people who have served their time are not excluded from public housing.

Ensure that no survivor of domestic violence can be evicted on the basis of their assault.

Guarantee that renters have the right to form a tenants unions free from retaliation by landlords or managing agents.

Expand Sustainable Homeownership

Invest $50 billion over 10 years to provide grants to start and expand community land trusts and other shared equity homeownership models. This funding will enable over 1 million households to purchase affordable homes over the next 25 years.

Invest an additional $15 billion to enact a 21st Century Homestead Act, based on the work of Mehrsa Baradaran, to purchase and revitalize abandoned properties to create community and individual wealth and assets for historically disadvantaged communities.

Instruct HUD to assist communities establishing shared equity homeownership by ensuring they can access existing federal housing programs, and help new organizations build the necessary capacity to succeed.

Support First Time Homebuyers

Invest an additional $2 billion at USDA and an additional $6 billion at HUD to create a first-time homebuyer assistance program that will increase home ownership.

Expand pre-purchase housing counseling to all prospective homebuyers.

End Predatory Lending and Modern Day Redlining

End the mass sale of mortgages to Wall Street vulture funds and thoroughly investigate and regulate the practices of large rental housing investors and owners.

Make data such as evictions, rent increases, and safety violations for large landlords available to the public and the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Increase enforcement to protect families against fraudulent, deceptive, and abusive lending practices and ensure all mortgage costs are clear, risks are visible, and nothing is buried in fine print.

Implement legislation to prevent abusive “contract for deed” transactions and use existing authority to protect communities of color, which for too long have been exploited by this practice.

Protect consumers currently participating in “contract for deed” agreements by ensuring aggressive protections and decent standards for the consumers.

Create a commission to establish a financial relief program to the victims of predatory lending, mortgage fraud, redlining and those who are still underwater on their mortgages as a result of the 2008 Wall Street crash. This program shall include down payment assistance, mortgage relief, or rental assistance. This program must include protections to ensure that the financial relief it provides goes to the people who need it and not the Wall Street speculators who caused the crisis.

Decarbonize Our Housing

Weatherize homes.
Perform energy efficiency upgrades to make buildings more energy efficient and lower energy bills.
Provide grants for low- and moderate-income families and small businesses to invest in weatherizing and retrofitting their homes and businesses.
Because our mobile home stock is leaky and often very old, we plan to replace all mobile homes with quality zero-energy modular homes.

Electrify homes.
Provide grants for low- and moderate-income families to invest in cheaper electricity for these needs. A federal mandate through the Department of Energy will ensure that all new construction and wealthy homeowners meet our electrification goals.

Energy assistance.
We will expand the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) to help low-income families pay their heating and cooling bills. Additionally, the program will be expanded to provide 10 percent of program costs for maintenance of new efficient heating and cooling systems and technical assistance for the installation and use of new furnaces, heat pumps, boilers, and other upgrades for the duration of the 10-year transition.

Decarbonize public housing.
hrough the Green New Deal, we will electrify and decarbonize all public housing by conducting deep energy retrofits including appliances, power, and heating. We will also ensure that public housing has quality, shared community spaces to ensure every public housing complex has the capacity to serve as a community resiliency center.

Save families money on energy bills.
After 2035 electricity will be virtually free, aside from operations and maintenance costs.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
The only thing Warren is missing right now, that she still has time to develop, is a tie in to black voters. Once they lock that down, she should be good money for the nomination.
Roger Lau is running a masterclass. This is the most disciplined well-organized campaign I've ever seen. Releasing that WFP endorsement on a Monday then following it up with a huge rally and a couple of major media appearances has Warren dominating the news cycle this week. I really admire how her team just moves in silence and gets shyt done. I imagine her adminstration being run with the same precision.
Sam Seder read an Instant Message today on their show saying that bernie bros need to smarten up and stop attacking Warren

intra vires

Glory to Michigan
Aug 3, 2017
The Catholepistemiad
you guys keep saying this, yet damn near all my friends are #1 warren, the other 20% are either in the electability = biden camp, or undecided/really interested in whether Kamala can get her act together (these are the ones just hanging onto wanting to see a "black" woman in power).

and the reality is, which dems know and take for granted, black people gonna vote for the dem ticket regardless, so you can win the nomination without a plurality of the black vote, especially in a 3-4 person race which i think we will have late into the game. as people drop out next year and support consolidates, and as the general population starts paying attention to the primaries, a LOT will shift.
As mentioned earlier, Warren is polling second with college educate black voters which is why you and I* know plenty of black people who support Warren. However, Warren supporters don't bring this up because nobody outside of Biden is actually doing well with black voters. Of course, that doesn't stop Sanders people from beating their chests about his black support as if it were significant.

I'm not saying we're the only college-educated black posters, but both of us have mentioned it Warren support among those in our social networks multiple times.

Oh and here's a data point from NBC/WSJ:

Crazy how this poll describes the dynamic of your first paragraph...


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
As mentioned earlier, Warren is polling second with college educate black voters which is why you and I* know plenty of black people who support Warren. However, Warren supporters don't bring this up because nobody outside of Biden is actually doing well with black voters. Of course, that doesn't stop Sanders people from beating their chests about his black support as if it were significant.

I'm not saying we're the only college-educated black posters, but both of us have mentioned it Warren support among those in our social networks multiple times.

Oh and here's a data point from NBC/WSJ:

Crazy how this poll describes the dynamic of your first paragraph...

You can look up my posts in this thread and in the Warren thread.

All the black women i've talked to have been riding with Warren since APRIL.

When warren started making in roads into black conventions and doing speeches months ago on black issues, i knew she was a serious problem.

Black women will tolerate Biden.

They LOVE Warren.


Apr 30, 2012
As mentioned earlier, Warren is polling second with college educate black voters which is why you and I* know plenty of black people who support Warren. However, Warren supporters don't bring this up because nobody outside of Biden is actually doing well with black voters. Of course, that doesn't stop Sanders people from beating their chests about his black support as if it were significant.

I'm not saying we're the only college-educated black posters, but both of us have mentioned it Warren support among those in our social networks multiple times.

Oh and here's a data point from NBC/WSJ:

Crazy how this poll describes the dynamic of your first paragraph...

This an outlier poll. I’m not familiar with the context of whatever you are all talking about but I just felt the need to fact check this. It is literally the only poll with this sort of breakdown. As for Warren, she is benefitting from millions of dollars of free press right now that is second only to Biden. I’d actually like to see people punch at her to see how she handles it. I’m not so sure Obama wins in 08 if the Reverend Wright stuff didn’t happen in the primary.

intra vires

Glory to Michigan
Aug 3, 2017
The Catholepistemiad
Just dont ask her well run campaign about her healthcare plan :mjlol:

Its September and she still haven't given us concrete details
Swing and a miss...

She hasn't proposed a healthcare plan because... she supports Sanders' M4A bill. :ohhh:

Are you also going to complain about her adopting Inslee's climate plan too or...?:jbhmm:

Here's a good criticism, how come Elizabeth Warren doesn't have a plan for foreign policy? Here's a case where she has neither proposed anything (other than green imperialism) nor adopted anything.

You're welcome.:obama:


Apr 30, 2012
Roger Lau is running a masterclass. This is the most disciplined well-organized campaign I've ever seen. Releasing that WFP endorsement on a Monday then following it up with a huge rally and a couple of major media appearances has Warren dominating the news cycle this week. I really admire how her team just moves in silence and gets shyt done. I imagine her adminstration being run with the same precision.
This isn’t how politics works. Lau is running a great campaign where he constantly is able to get free press by controlling media narratives but that is also possible because of fawning coverage. This is part of what HRC complained about with Obama in 08. He also handled the Ayers and Reverend Wright smoke and then got into office and basically had to call in team Clinton alumni. You guys have to stop saying things because they sound nice. I’m sitting here wondering if you’re all the same people I posted with for a decade. Did we learn nothing from the Obama administration? You’re veering off into idolatry again like you did with Hillary.

Lastly, the whole notion that somehow Elizabeth Warren is in anyway comparable to Barack Obama as a person (not as a policy maker) is absurd. Obama already have a third of the south when he won Iowa. They already loved him but didn’t see it happening. Warren is polling in single digits. Comparing the two things are pointless. Obama had legitimate southern surrogates, Warren has no one of note endorsing her over Biden. She is also trailing Sanders and Biden among Latinos.

@Mephistopheles is right about the Howard Dean coalition she has. It’s much easier to take a diverse coalition than grow than to take one that is 71 percent white and magically turn it into a multiracial powerhouse. That’s exactly how Bernie lost in 2016. I may have been the first person on here to endorse Warren but you guys need to stop cheerleading and start analyzing the work that has to be done. Oh and to Bernie supporters, stop taking the bait and arguing with the more antagonistic Warren supporters and vice verse.


Aug 15, 2014
Swing and a miss...

She hasn't proposed a healthcare plan because... she supports Sanders' M4A bill. :ohhh:
We still don't know how committed she is to it. She has a medicare for all thing on her website and doesn't mention Jayapal or Sanders' bill. Some of the language used in it is vague as fukk and light on details. It still mentions private insurance, doesn't mention eliminating premiums, eliminating copays, deductibles or providing a “single-payer” system

A shill for the ACA has noticed the language used on her website and is unsure of her commitment.

She's been very careful with her wording and people are noticing. Health care is either no. 1 or 2 issue for a lot of voters and for the precise detail genius she gets labeled as, she needs to be more precise. 0:43 mark below
