Kamala will wait for the South unless she runs out of money. Same thing with Booker. They won’t drop out until black people get them out of here. Same with Castro in Nevada most likely. Castro will drop out and endorse Warren.Anyone thinks Castro, Harris, or Buttigieg are gonna drop out before the 4th debate?
ignore women like this at your peril...women and warren are a major thing...
Yes, you absolutely can. I keep seeing this idea spread by extreme Bernie supporters, as if the money is literally dirty. The entire way money and corruption works is that the money buys access which leads to influence. If you take the money and don’t provide access or influence, there’s no corruption. It’s like saying taxing the wealthy is inherently corrupt because you’re confiscating and utilizing their dirty money. So unless you can point to where Elizabeth Warren has been providing access and influence to wealthy donors, these charges are totally baseless. Should Bernie become the nominee, there will be many wealthy donors who will contribute to him directly or indirectly through Democratic fundraising. That doesn’t mean he would be compromised.
Publicly funded elections would be the most effective immediate step to mitigating the potential for undue influence of the wealthy in elections, and it’s something that Liz has called for consistently.
No, I don't see any ofAnyone thinks Castro, Harris, or Buttigieg are gonna drop out before the 4th debate?
The argument is factual. The money itself is not the problem, it's what the money buys. You choose to not give Liz the benefit of the doubt. I look at her entire career, her political vision, and how she's run her Primary campaign fundraising vehicle and find her credible. Sanders will not refuse DNC and establishment money if he wins the Primary. You believe that will make him compromised. I do not, because I find him credible.This is a bad argument and I think Warren is moral. You are literally going against the entire idea of why Warren is calling for elections to be funded by the public. It is nearly impossible to not be swayed by money in politics. Anyone who says that has never stepped near Capitol Hill or any other office. The argument Warren is making is play the game to change the game. But she is fully aware of the toxicity of the game. She is saying she is an exception. I don’t give anyone that kind of benefit of the doubt. That said, it would very interesting to see Sanders attempt to run against Trump without taking corporate money. He’s the only one who would attempt it.