HL wants to send in the candidate with the rich, wine mom base into the general -- a completely unreliable voter group that has went republican every election since Reagan? These people that will pat themselves on the back and then go to sleep for 4 years
This section and a portion of liberal media class were dumping on Bernie for his white base every week in 2016(even though it was never totally true) but now they want to send in a candidate with worse numbers than him in 2016. You barely hear a peep from these same people in 2016 about how white and rich Warren's base this time around. "b-b-but POC's are our base."
Hillary with her decades of clout with black people couldn't motivate them to go vote in certain states yet they somehow expect Warren to match that or even exceed that. They still can't explain to me how she's gonna do it. Good luck I guess