Warrens base is mostly white elites and shes second to mayor pete in big money donations, more than kamala and biden , can you imagine the talk if bernies base was mostly white elites from the hamptons?
but now its totally cool cause its warren, warren stans,the jig is up, you cant claim shes "progressive" anymore sorry. and you shouldve known when corporate media started to push here from the jump, even nap is in her shlling for her.
edit: so shes not leading in billionaire donations, but of all the candidates, the percentage of their donors who make over 100k, bernie is at 4 percent obviously (im in that 4 percent lol) warren is at 20 ahead of biden and kamala at 18 and mayor peter is at 33 blowing everyone away, no homo, still its not a shock that warren isnt appealing to any average joe voters, but you think shes gonna beat trump ?? no way, her wonkiness and "plans" are gonna flop like hell in the rust belt. go with the safe bet bernie