Here you go moving the goalposts.
You initially stated that Obama lost because he did not have bold policy proposals and that depressed the base. You went on to suggest that Dems will lose because they are not progressive enough.
The study you cited did not support this. Further your retort does not dispel my initial statement that it is common for incumbents to lose seats.
Actually, the piece you quoted actually proves my point that many of those seats Obama lost were going to be lost anyway. While I was right in saying ACA and the bailout were major drivers for Obama losing I was wrong in that it wasn't so much about depressing the dem base, but his successes actually motivated Republicans at historic levels. So this normal trend coupled with gerrymandering gives up a better idea of why dems lost seats than you saying it's because dem legislation wasn't bold enough.
Her critique on blue dogs is fine, but blue dogs only picked up 6 new seats in 2018. They were about as successful as progressives. And those who won on both sides were either in safe seats or spoke out against Trump and the GOP.
But that isn't what she said. She said that you have a finite window to pass legislation so you should pas whatever you ran on because you're going to lose those seats anyway.
That's directly at odds with how this started.
The funniest part is the type of candidate that seems ideal in her metric is almost someone like Hillary Clinton. :Madwithher:
I dont forget all the progressives saying democrats running anti-trump campaigns wasn't the way to win back the house, but instead they need to focus on policies