Here come the leaks...

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Wow that second choice for Warren lane is a gold mine. She will explode if she wins Iowa.
his campaign staff have admitted he's going senileIf Biden doesn't win Iowa shyt will get very interesting.
Any de he makes has to be ratified by congress. They still haven't ratified new nafta.If Trump secures a China deal between now and Spring, these numbers will be irrelevant because they will spin it as a victory and he'll ride it to November
Kiss da game goodbye
Biden Boyz 2020
We got Obama, they got Cardi B
Obama has taken active interest in Biden's campaign: report
If the report is active its a pretty positive and they should take Obama's advice in thay Joe's campaign is risking alienating young voters by potentially being out of, did someone throw up a distress signal?
constantly namedropping Obama wasn't enough?
Are you surprised?Can't believe Bernie choked
Bernie DESPERATE for black votes
I’m glad Uncle Joe leading da polls and don’t have to pander
the producer of the brilliant idiots podcast Chris Morrow mentioned that he knew someone in the administration who was saying Trump already has a tentative deal and he's waiting to announce it with China so he can structure the propaganda as a total win just in time for the election