Biden Boys, what is Joe gonna do on China?
Trump can’t go after Bernie here either
Sherrod Brown and Elliot Engel in the back
Trump can’t go after Bernie here either
Sherrod Brown and Elliot Engel in the back
Biden Boys, what is Joe gonna do on China?
Trump can’t go after Bernie here either
Sherrod Brown and Elliot Engel in the back
Meh, Bernie a non factor. He couldn’t beat Hilary.
Hillary was arguably a tougher primary opponent than biden is
I don't know if Castro understands what he just did, but I'm with the shyts
Hope this turns out alright for your career fam
National QuinnipiacPoll Post Debate Poll (8/1-5):
Biden 32%
Warren 21%
Sanders 14%
Harris 7%
Buttigieg 5%
O'Rourke 2%
Booker 2%
Both Yang and Tulsi fail to hit 2% in a poll that could qualify them to September debate. It also seems clear that Biden is ahead and Bernie and Warren are starting to separate from the rest of the pack. Harris has fallen in this poll by 13 points since the first debate.
Based on what?
Bernie has voted against NAFTA and bad trade deals. Trump can't hit him on that. But he can hit Joe Biden on that.
Bernie voted against the war in Iraq. Trump can't hit him on that. But he can hit Joe on that.
Bernie voted for the crime bill but he's not the architect of it.
Bernie has a healthcare plan and can also cite that he helped lead efforts to save Obamacare in 2017 with rallies all over the country and he can cite the measures for community health centers he helped put in place in the bill. Bernie has been calling out Trump for trying to cut Medicare/Medicaid/Social Security. There's receipts for that and Trump being a liar. Bernie is not afraid of calling out the BS.
Bernie is at war with the oligarchs, Biden isn't. Trump can't do that bullshid he did with Hillary on Bernie.
Bernie has the largest grassroots army of anyone running, Trump included.
The only thing he'll get mopped at is fundraising since Trump and the RNC have the oligarchs but he has a formidable fundraising base.
Bernie also looks like he has more high energy than Joe. Bernie isn't gaffe prone. Joe is. Bernie doesn't have a son who's done shady deals with Ukraine and China. Bernie's brother didn't benefit off him being a US Senator voting on bank bills.
All the Trump campaign will say is that this guy is a crazy socialist or communist. IMO, they will underestimate Sanders. I can already see it.
Krystal saying similarity what I said. And the black Trump supporter also acknowledges that running vs Bernie would be harder since Trump can donthe Hillary strategy against Biden.
It still shocks me nearly half of this country still supports this psychopath.