I know you and @No1 don't fukk with Biden. But y'all letting your hate blind you when you say stuff like he'd lose to Trump. He sucks but he'd guarantee a victory for the Dems. The comparisons to Hillary don't hold water.
People leaving the country for medicine. Parents giving up their kids to afford college. This country is spiraling out of control.
Warren needs to go all in on this issue. Get rid of the qualifiers too.
People leaving the country for medicine. Parents giving up their kids to afford college. This country is spiraling out of control.
Warren needs to go all in on this issue. Get rid of the qualifiers too.
Hillary was supposed to be a guaranteed victory over Trump too. Biden's issue is that he looks good until you start getting at his record. His record is much much much much much worse than Hillary's and it has not been highlighted yet. That and his family is kind of weird. Part of that Democratic wave of 2018 was "moderate" candidates adopting part of the left's plans. Biden is opposed to all of them, is dismissive to young people, and is generally sort of pompous and unapologetic. Imagine every critique the left had of HRC instead with the dude who actually drafted and/or voted for them with soundbites. Hillary was in Obama's cabinet too, how did that help her? HRC was married to the "first black president," how did that help her?I know you and @No1 don't fukk with Biden. But y'all letting your hate blind you when you say stuff like he'd lose to Trump. He sucks but he'd guarantee a victory for the Dems. The comparisons to Hillary don't hold water.
People leaving the country for medicine. Parents giving up their kids to afford college. This country is spiraling out of control.
Warren needs to go all in on this issue. Get rid of the qualifiers too.
Bernie already did.Warren needs to go all in on this issue.
Hillary's rep has been dragged through the mud for 20+ years. She's viewed as a cold, calculated c*nt by a huge swath of this country. Biden's record might be worse, but he's generally viewed as being a good-natured amicable person. He's much more relatable than HRC. He's got the built-in advantage of being a white male and strong ties to an important state - Pennsylvania. The voter base is also on full alert right now, nobody's taking Trump lightly like in '16.Hillary was supposed to be a guaranteed victory over Trump too. Biden's issue is that he looks good until you start getting at his record. His record is much much much much much worse than Hillary's and it has not been highlighted yet. That and his family is kind of weird. Part of that Democratic wave of 2018 was "moderate" candidates adopting part of the left's plans. Biden is opposed to all of them, is dismissive to young people, and is generally sort of pompous and unapologetic. Imagine every critique the left had of HRC instead with the dude who actually drafted and/or voted for them with soundbites. Hillary was in Obama's cabinet too, how did that help her? HRC was married to the "first black president," how did that help her?
Biden is polling like this while no one is paying attention. The only thing in his favor is that young people voted at a much higher rate in 2018 and they naturally depise Trump. Warren and Sanders have not even gotten into Biden yet and they will be there in that final 4 or 5 - trust me.
Hillary's rep has been dragged through the mud for 20+ years. She's viewed as a cold, calculated c*nt by a huge swath of this country. Biden's record might be worse, but he's generally viewed as being a good-natured amicable person. He's much more relatable than HRC. He's got the built-in advantage of being a white male and strong ties to an important state - Pennsylvania. The voter base is also on full alert right now, nobody's taking Trump lightly like in '16.
Bill Clinton should have been more involved with her campaign. Apparently from what I've read she deferred to Robby Mook over her husband on several issues and it backfired. Biden is seen as a true ally of Obama. HRC is a former opponent turned subordinate.
I've always said the primary would be more difficult for Biden than the general. But you have to admit him sustaining this lead after a poor debate performance and racial scandal is pretty formidable. Like I said above I think every time Trump throws an insane tantrum it helps Biden draw in voters who disgusted with Trump and just want to see him defeated.
Unfortunately, in 2016 a lot of people bought into the con that Trump would be apolitical once he got into office and do right by the people. Well, three years later he has a record now he can't run from. - relentless corruption on every level of his gov't and a tax bill that enriched the 1%. If he tries to do the populist okey doke again, who will believe him other than his cultists?Biden’s record is worse than Hillary in that Trump will do what he did in 2016 and run to the left on trade and now criminal justice reform. He’ll say Joe voted for bad trade deals and bring up the crime bill. The Trump people will talk about the scandals of Hunter Biden with regard to Ukraine and China.
They have it mapped out.
Unfortunately, I feel like Joe is oblivious to it. He is notorious for not being prepared (just read what the Obama campaign had to deal with trying to get him to stick to message) and like @No1 said he’s not in tune with young voters.
BUT... like you said he’s built this likeable persona and perhaps his favor abilities won’t tank like Hillary’s since he himself isn’t under an FBI investigation. Plus, Trump is so bad and we keep forgetting he barely won the last time.
This is the ironic failure or Team Bernie running the electability angle because it immediately handicaps them with every poll.The American ppl see what it is and see Biden leading da polls n beating Trump. Thank goodness progressives don’t turn out on Election Day.
Biden Boyz 2020
This is the ironic failure or Team Bernie running the electability angle because it immediately handicaps them with every poll.