
Jun 6, 2012
New York
If progressives stay at home and don't vote then they should bare some fault. I've said before that the difference between the two parties is that Republicans will rally and vote regardless of the candidate. They fall in line and choose party over everything. You're seeing it now with them choosing Trump over the country. Democrats will stay at home and whine if it's not their preferred candidate. Whether that candidate isn't as inspiring, or isn't progressive enough, etc. Then get mad when the other side ends up winning.

Democrats have to play by the same rules as Republicans if they want to win. And that includes throwing out moral code and that Michelle Obama "when they go low we go high" shyt. Democrat try to act in good faith too often and they get burned every single time.
50% of the country doesn't vote, I'm sure there are Republicans part of that. Hillary got more votes last presidential election than Trump to so who really stays at home? This is a false narrative.

John Reena

Jan 27, 2016
Unlikely. Biden is probably going to win and then lose to Trump as the attacks roll in and young people stay home after Warren and Bernie lose.

Nah, I think they learned they lesson about sitting out elections.


The Chosen 1
May 2, 2012
50% of the country doesn't vote, I'm sure there are Republicans part of that. Hillary got more votes last presidential election than Trump to so who really stays at home? This is a false narrative.

Not a false narrative at all, it's a well-known fact about American politics that's been true for many years. Anyone with a background in political science would tell you that.

Republican voters vote much more consistently than Democratic voters, which is why low turnout favors Republicans and high turnout favors Democrats. Anytime there's a low turnout election, the people who stayed home are disproportionately Dem-leaning. Part of it is because Republican voters are more likely to be old and old people generally vote more (because they have fewer other obligations such as work) but nonetheless it's true.


Go Wizards, Go Terps, Go Packers!
Staff member
May 16, 2012
:smugbiden: shilling for the private health insurance industry

Biden Goes All In On Revolting Defense of Private Health Insurance


Photo: Getty

Is Joe Biden running for president of the United States or the private health insurance fan club? It’s hard to say at this point.

In the latest iteration of his campaign for Best Good Insurance-Loving Boy, he posted an ad featuring a woman who just loves her private insurance and wants to keep it.

The rhetoric in this ad is fundamentally conservative. The woman in the ad, identified only as Marcy, says that she has private insurance that she wants to keep, because “my husband and I worked for over 30 years, I feel we earned that benefit.” The implication of this is that if you didn’t work, you didn’t earn your healthcare, and you don’t deserve what she has—private, betterhealthcare than Medicare for All, or whatever the masses get. It is an argument for a two-tiered system where some people get better care than others. This is a message that would fit in just fine in a Paul Ryan speech. (This is not Marcy’s fault, mind you—it’s the message Joe Biden wants you to hear.)

The follow-up tweet makes an even more cynical argument, aimed at union members:

The idea that because their union had to fight for a healthcare plan, that means it necessarily must be better for them to keep having to fight for it, is absurd. If decent healthcare was not something that workers had to fight their bosses over—if it wasn’t attached to their job at all, for example—they could fight for other things instead, such as higher wages, or better working conditions. Adequate healthcare should not be a bargaining chip that your boss can degrade in exchange for adequate retirement or childcare provision. Your union should not have to compromise on healthcare at all, nor should they have to compromise on anything else to win a good healthcare plan.

What Joe Biden is doing is sick. His entire healthcare message is an implicit threat—that if you’re not currently in thousands of dollars of medical debt or dying of a preventable disease because you couldn’t go to the doctor, things can only get worse for you if we take the risk of transitioning to Medicare for All. He is appealing to those who have managed to make our healthcare nightmare just about work for them (for now, anyway) and lying to them about what would happen if Medicare for All happened.

The American healthcare system is not logical, humane, or just, but the former vice president is using the assumptions baked into that sick system to frighten voters away from fighting for anything else. It is abusive. It’s like threatening a group of prisoners that if they broke down the walls of the jail, they won’t have the thin blankets they’re used to anymore—never mind if what’s outside the jail is a warm bed and a cup of cocoa. Just don’t mention that part.

Biden is fully committed to running a presidential campaign that tells the lies the healthcare industry wants told in order to make it harder for Medicare for All to pass. The best case scenario here is that he’s willing to say anything to win—but if he loses, and a better candidate does try to pass Medicare for All, he’s spent months and millions on making it far harder. A worse scenario is that he’s dumb enough to believe all this. Worse still, he’s acting on behalf of the sick industries that profit off this system, and who spend millions on lobbyists—including a top campaign aide of his—to keep it this way.

A Democrat should not be making conservative arguments in favor of private insurance. This is not some insane lefty litmus test; it’s common sense.


Jun 6, 2012
New York
Not a false narrative at all, it's a well-known fact about American politics that's been true for many years. Anyone with a background in political science would tell you that.

Republican voters vote much more consistently than Democratic voters, which is why low turnout favors Republicans and high turnout favors Democrats. Anytime there's a low turnout election, the people who stayed home are disproportionately Dem-leaning. Part of it is because Republican voters are more likely to be old and old people generally vote more (because they have fewer other obligations such as work) but nonetheless it's true.
Hillary got more votes in 2016 but lost, why? It can't be low turnout if she got more votes, right?

the next guy

May 2, 2012
Not a false narrative at all, it's a well-known fact about American politics that's been true for many years. Anyone with a background in political science would tell you that.

Republican voters vote much more consistently than Democratic voters, which is why low turnout favors Republicans and high turnout favors Democrats. Anytime there's a low turnout election, the people who stayed home are disproportionately Dem-leaning. Part of it is because Republican voters are more likely to be old and old people generally vote more (because they have fewer other obligations such as work) but nonetheless it's true.
50% of the country doesn't vote, I'm sure there are Republicans part of that. Hillary got more votes last presidential election than Trump to so who really stays at home? This is a false narrative.

You guys are both right. Key is to motivate non voters, which is tougher then changing swing voters. Reality is 50% of the country doesn't care about politics at all.
Last edited:


Jun 6, 2012
New York
You guys are both. Key is to motivate non voters, which is tougher then changing swing voters. Reality is 50% of the country doesn't care about politics at all.
My point is the only reason for that is the electoral college, turn out wouldn't be an issue if it was 'whoever gets the most votes wins'. And I think like half of that 50% is just fed up with the politicians and how Washington operates, if it had more integrity and consideration for what the voters wanted they would vote.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
:smugbiden: shilling for the private health insurance industry

Biden Goes All In On Revolting Defense of Private Health Insurance


Photo: Getty

Is Joe Biden running for president of the United States or the private health insurance fan club? It’s hard to say at this point.

In the latest iteration of his campaign for Best Good Insurance-Loving Boy, he posted an ad featuring a woman who just loves her private insurance and wants to keep it.

The rhetoric in this ad is fundamentally conservative. The woman in the ad, identified only as Marcy, says that she has private insurance that she wants to keep, because “my husband and I worked for over 30 years, I feel we earned that benefit.” The implication of this is that if you didn’t work, you didn’t earn your healthcare, and you don’t deserve what she has—private, betterhealthcare than Medicare for All, or whatever the masses get. It is an argument for a two-tiered system where some people get better care than others. This is a message that would fit in just fine in a Paul Ryan speech. (This is not Marcy’s fault, mind you—it’s the message Joe Biden wants you to hear.)

The follow-up tweet makes an even more cynical argument, aimed at union members:

The idea that because their union had to fight for a healthcare plan, that means it necessarily must be better for them to keep having to fight for it, is absurd. If decent healthcare was not something that workers had to fight their bosses over—if it wasn’t attached to their job at all, for example—they could fight for other things instead, such as higher wages, or better working conditions. Adequate healthcare should not be a bargaining chip that your boss can degrade in exchange for adequate retirement or childcare provision. Your union should not have to compromise on healthcare at all, nor should they have to compromise on anything else to win a good healthcare plan.

What Joe Biden is doing is sick. His entire healthcare message is an implicit threat—that if you’re not currently in thousands of dollars of medical debt or dying of a preventable disease because you couldn’t go to the doctor, things can only get worse for you if we take the risk of transitioning to Medicare for All. He is appealing to those who have managed to make our healthcare nightmare just about work for them (for now, anyway) and lying to them about what would happen if Medicare for All happened.

The American healthcare system is not logical, humane, or just, but the former vice president is using the assumptions baked into that sick system to frighten voters away from fighting for anything else. It is abusive. It’s like threatening a group of prisoners that if they broke down the walls of the jail, they won’t have the thin blankets they’re used to anymore—never mind if what’s outside the jail is a warm bed and a cup of cocoa. Just don’t mention that part.

Biden is fully committed to running a presidential campaign that tells the lies the healthcare industry wants told in order to make it harder for Medicare for All to pass. The best case scenario here is that he’s willing to say anything to win—but if he loses, and a better candidate does try to pass Medicare for All, he’s spent months and millions on making it far harder. A worse scenario is that he’s dumb enough to believe all this. Worse still, he’s acting on behalf of the sick industries that profit off this system, and who spend millions on lobbyists—including a top campaign aide of his—to keep it this way.

A Democrat should not be making conservative arguments in favor of private insurance. This is not some insane lefty litmus test; it’s common sense.

Biden critics should play it smart.

EVERY country with universal healthcare also allows private health care insurance.

If you want to beat him you have to remember this


The Chosen 1
May 2, 2012
My point is the only reason for that is the electoral college, turn out wouldn't be an issue if it was 'whoever gets the most votes wins'. And I think like half of that 50% is just fed up with the politicians and how Washington operates, if it had more integrity and consideration for what the voters wanted they would vote.

Not many people here would disagree that the Electoral College sucks and needs to be abolished. I've been saying that since Bush won in 2000 (even though I wasn't old enough to vote).

Doesn't change the fact that too many people, especially on the left, think it's cool to not vote. If you think both sides suck then that should be even more of a motivation to show up on election day. Low voter turnout is an issue in America and very directly helps people like Trump come into power. Some of that is on politicians, but we also need to stop making excuses for people to not do their civic duty and then complain about the results.


Jun 6, 2012
New York
Not many people here would disagree that the Electoral College sucks and needs to be abolished. I've been saying that since Bush won in 2000 (even though I wasn't old enough to vote).

Doesn't change the fact that too many people, especially on the left, think it's cool to not vote. If you think both sides suck then that should be even more of a motivation to show up on election day. Low voter turnout is an issue in America and very directly helps people like Trump come into power. Some of that is on politicians, but we also need to stop making excuses for people to not do their civic duty and then complain about the results.

Presidential voter turnout was higher in 2016 than 2012.
Voter Turnout - Fairvote

So it is not accurate to say that 'Low voter turnout is an issue in America and very directly helps people like Trump come into power'. I think everyone should vote but let's go for accuracy.