because he's a centrist, virtue signaling corporate shill. hes a major player in the same do-nothing machine that lead to Trump getting elected in the first place.
the party needs a complete overhaul, and soulless career politicans like Biden, Pelosi, et. al. need to be put to pasture. its these very people who couldnt stop Trump... Donald fukking Trump, from getting elected. now they're all running on a stale, empty "vote for me, and I'll get Trump out of office!" campaign that's completely baseless. They allowed for a fake populist buffoon like Trump to come through in the first place
forget about the fact that our infrastructure is crumbling, the cost of living everywhere has skyrocketed, our healthcare system is a joke, the defense budget keeps exponentially expanding and we're cutting blank checks to contractors while citizens are getting squeezed, our judicial and criminal justice system is broken beyond repair, foreign companies like Nestle are allowed to drain our water and sell it back to us while people in Flint are swept under the rug and people in Cali are fined for watering their own lawns, and automation is ready to crash into our work force at break neck speed... forget about all that, right now we need to "restore civility?" ... give me a break.
It's people like Biden who have not only contributed to the problems above, personally, while enriching themselves at the expense of all of us - but were so entrenched in shilling for corporations and fence riding, and were so arrogant and out of touch, that they completely missed Trump coming. if they couldnt stop it 4 years ago what the fukk are they going to do differently now? they need to give it up. because if Biden or another DNCC backed candidate does manage to miraculously win, and they get into office and tap dance for 4 years and not address anything, its going to open the door for someone MUCH worse than Trump to come through in the future
so I dont want Biden for everything I said above, combined with his "hard line" crime bill speech from 25'ish years ago. that in and of itself was another pandering move to help his own career and help the Democrats in general (who were at the time labeled "soft on crime") ... and its lead to bad results that will felt for GENERATIONS. all to safe face for his party