Nah fukk that, Pelosi doesn't have a secret plan. Her intentions are to run out the clock and let the voters handle it. She only opened the door to impeachment after the progressives got at her neck. There is nothing coming down the pipeline in the next few months that will make this an "iron clad" case. A third of this country will stand by him to the grave. They should impeach now and make their case to the sane part of the country and make the republicans go on the record with their support for this clown and his crimes. Pelosi is doing nothing but depressing her base by stalling. Why do you think the enthusiasm gap has closed?Stop taking politicians so literally.
They're easing the public into it.
Don't be so quick to be upset.
Pelosi has always wanted to impeach Trump. I'm actually kinda shocked people don't get this. She's easing into it so as to make it seem like a "he left us no choice" when in reality she's wanted this since January 20, 2017.
Remember, politicians are ahead of the public on a lot of things. They know where things are going.