Fox covered Biden's campaign rally live today. Trump was throwing a fit on twitter lol. BTW...Biden doesn't sound good on the stump. Slurring words, making mistakes. Few more weeks of this and I think the shine will be off, and he will lose support to someone else. I think Beto and Pete will benefit. Not to say Biden is done. I don't think he wins, but I think he can win some primary states before ultimately dropping out after someone surpasses him.
In terms of the Wahl thing's clear whoever the nominee is will be hit with an avalanche of FUD, bullshyt, fake news, and foreign intelligence. I really got no interest in most anti-dem stories honestly. Even anti-Bernie stuff doesn't interest me. I don't care who wins, I'm voting for the nominee. That's not to say I think candidates shouldn't be vetted, or that I'm gonna ignore damning stories about candidates. But it's very clear bullshyt is being spread throughout social media about everyone, and on the flip side you have leftist agitators who are trying to destroy every candidate (except Bernie...). I'm not fukking with that wave.