NkrumahWasRight Is Wrong

May 1, 2012
Uncertain grounds
Warren isn't raising any money, leading any polls, and she won't win any debates or primaries. :manny:


She should be the leader in the senate and stay there to write legislation

Bernie would clearly sign anything theyd pass in a democrat led senate. Hell, id imagine any of the democrats would sign any of the legislation warren would write/get passed in that scenario.

I dont know shyt about warrens foreign policy. At least bernie has started to talk foreign policy a bit and acknowledged he didnt talk about it enough in 2016.

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
Warren isn't raising any money, leading any polls, and she won't win any debates or primaries. :manny:

Warren is fundraising at a sustainable clip, and is poised to absolutely dominate every debate. She's been crushing speeches and town halls while Bernie has been mediocre-to-struggling in all of them (except for Fox News :huhldup:) and has his national co-chair chastising black women for not falling at his feet when he namedrops marching with MLK over 50 years ago. Bernie is stalling, Liz is on the upswing.

Sorry. :manny:

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
Bernie would clearly sign anything theyd pass in a democrat led senate. Hell, id imagine any of the democrats would sign any of the legislation warren would write/get passed in that scenario.

So Bernie is just there to sign into law the bills Liz sends him? What a waste of a Presidency. Seems to me like the best candidate would be the one who has actually shown the aptitude and desire to wield the full array of tools at the hands of the President, as opposed to the one who would, what, just holds rallies and auto-signs the bills placed in front of him by smarter progressives? The optimal question here is what can Bernie do as President that he can't do as Senator? Same question for Liz. She's shown us a robust and varied list of areas she wants to attack that needs the latitude of the Presidency, and she's shown us that she understands the ins-and-outs of the executive branch. I trust her far more to be an effective operator of it than I do Bernie, who is comparatively a one-trick pony whose trick isn't even super relevant right now given Congressional gridlock and obfuscation.

This is going to sound harsher than I intend, but he's really just dumber than Liz. He's a good man and has a good heart, and what he did in 2016 is god-tier, but I don't trust him to have the intelligence or experience to wield the powers of the Presidency in a maximally effective manner at this moment in history. And yes, as Obama showed us, the Presidency is often just as much about who you surround yourself with. Liz's campaign is showing us that she surrounds herself with smart, effective progressives who craft truly transformative policies, while Bernie surrounds himself with David Sirota and Briahna Joy Gray. Matt Duss was a solid pickup, but he's practically the only heavy hitter on his team. The best outcome would be him staying in the Senate to cut progressive promos and rally the base while Liz takes the mantle of the Presidency and actually uses its tools to enact change at that level. That's his skill and that's her skill.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
So Bernie is just there to sign into law the bills Liz sends him? What a waste of a Presidency. Seems to me like the best candidate would be the one who has actually shown the aptitude and desire to wield the full array of tools at the hands of the President, as opposed to the one who would, what, just holds rallies and auto-signs the bills placed in front of him by smarter progressives? The optimal question here is what can Bernie do as President that he can't do as Senator? Same question for Liz. She's shown us a robust and varied list of areas she wants to attack that needs the latitude of the Presidency, and she's shown us that she understands the ins-and-outs of the executive branch. I trust her far more to be an effective operator of it than I do Bernie, who is comparatively a one-trick pony whose trick isn't even super relevant right now given Congressional gridlock and obfuscation.

This is going to sound harsher than I intend, but he's really just dumber than Liz. He's a good man and has a good heart, and what he did in 2016 is god-tier, but I don't trust him to have the intelligence or experience to wield the powers of the Presidency in a maximally effective manner at this moment in history. And yes, as Obama showed us, the Presidency is often just as much about who you surround yourself with. Liz's campaign is showing us that she surrounds herself with smart, effective progressives who craft truly transformative policies, while Bernie surrounds himself with David Sirota and Briahna Joy Gray. Matt Duss was a solid pickup, but he's practically the only heavy hitter on his team. The best outcome would be him staying in the Senate to cut progressive promos and rally the base while Liz takes the mantle of the Presidency and actually uses its tools to enact change at that level. That's his skill and that's her skill.
I've realized that since Bernie basically got re-elected in 2018, he's going to just throw grenades at the DNC for the rest of his term.

He has no incentive to make friends.

He's going to drop turds in the pool for as long as possible.

Bernie basically doesnt even want to join a future democratic administration at this point. Warren, Harris, and even Buttigieg are securing future seats at the forefront of pushing progressive executive policy.

Bernie is not.