
Go Wizards, Go Terps, Go Packers!
Staff member
May 16, 2012

LAS VEGAS – Nevada, the westernmost state of the early-voting states in presidential primaries, can often feel like the neglected kid brother of New Hampshire, South Carolina and Iowa. The other three states have decades’ worth of traditions and earn mounds of media attention, with Jefferson-Jackson dinners and fish fries that candidates and reporters seemingly have no choice but to attend. But Nevada, which is three time zones away from the glare of the D.C.-to-New York media corridor, only earned early-state status in 2008.

But in 2020, the Silver State could play a decisive role because Nevada lacks a clear favorite among the Democratic contenders. Certain candidates, however, are the early favorites in the other three states – In Iowa, former Vice President Joe Biden, independent Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and South Bend, Ind. Mayor Pete Buttigieg are polling well; in New Hampshire, Sanders and Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, a fellow New Englander, have a leg up; and in South Carolina, Biden, along with California Sen. Kamala Harris and New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker, is expected to perform well among the state’s African American voters.

The wide-open field in Nevada, which is notoriously difficult to poll and saw tightly contested Democratic primary contests in both 2008 and 2016, means it’s primed for a surprise winner that could shake up the battle for the right to challenge Republican President Donald Trump. The state’s unpredictability is directly tied up in its diversity – it has significant Hispanic, African American and Asian American populations – along with the power of its unions and changes to the caucus process.

“It’s very much up for grabs. Any candidate who can establish a statewide presence will be able to become our nominee,” said William McCurdy, the chair of the state Democratic Party. “We’re a state that can make or break a campaign.”

It’s very much up for grabs. Any candidate who can establish a statewide presence will be able to become our nominee. We’re a state that can make or break a campaign.William McCurdy, the chair of the state Democratic Party
Donna West, the chair of the Democratic Party in Clark County, which includes Las Vegas, said she recently took a two-week vacation with family and talked to at least one presidential candidate or campaign every day she was off-duty. A group of what she called “supervolunteers” that she met while campaigning for Clinton in 2015 and 2016 now lacks a consensus candidate.

The state is set to experience its first moment of intense media attention this weekend, when six candidates – Warren, Harris, former Texas Beto O’Rourke, former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper, former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julian Castro and Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar – descend on Las Vegas for a forum hosted by the Center for American Progress and Service Employees International Union.

But some leading candidates, including Booker, Warren, Harris and Sanders, have already begun showering the state with attention, as has Castro, who is struggling in polling and fundraising but could receive a boost in a state that is more than a quarter Latino, and Washington Gov. Jay Inslee, who hopes his climate change-focused message can catch on in a state with a significant renewable energy industry. All have been to the state at least three times.

Other Democratic challengers can also draw attention, with operatives in the state noting businessman Andrew Yang drew impressive crowds during a recent swing through the Las Vegas area.

At least Warren, Harris and Booker have staff on the ground in the state, and additional Sanders staffers started this week. Warren, who is building out a substantial ground game in all four early primary states, has the largest presence, with at least 20 people. The initial staff hires have gobbled up much of the state’s top political talent, which could hurt campaigns that haven’t made job offers yet.
“A lot of the superstars that I know have been snapped up,” West said. “Most of Hillary’s Nevada team, particularly her caucus team, has been hired. I don’t know where Biden’s gonna go.”

Democrats here noted building a ground game will be key, because of the state’s transient nature and its diversity. Caucus ballots will be offered in English, Spanish and Tagalog, and operatives in the state say campaigns should expect to have field staff fluent in all three languages, along with a few others.

“You have a large Latino population, a large AAPI population, a large African-American population. You have a real representation of what the U.S. looks like,” said Jorge Neri, the Nevada state director for Hillary Clinton’s general election campaign in 2016. “You have to make sure that you’re hiring folks who are diverse, who are culturally competent and understand the little nuances in each of these communities.”

Booker’s schedule last weekend during a swing through the state showed just how many different environments a candidate can expect to traverse when campaigning here. He began on Thursday with a trip to the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, then flew to Reno, where the Democratic Party is less diverse and more liberal than their Vegas counterparts, and also did an event in rural Douglas County. On Saturday, he returned to Vegas, and without ever leaving the city limits, visited a black church and barbershop, an immigration roundtable with Latino activists, held a rally at a community center, and then went to a dinner with the Asian American community at a Chinese restaurant downtown.

“We’re going directly to the people, visiting barber shops and living rooms and small town halls, we’re having substantive conversations,” Booker said of his plans for the state. “We need to run a real grassroots campaign, and that’s the way I came up.”

Not paying attention to these diverse communities can draw criticism: Activists raised their eyebrows when Sanders’ first post-midterm visit to the state took him to the majority-white suburb of Henderson instead of Las Vegas.

Booker was also hoping for a bit of hometown boost ― his mother, Carolyn, lives in Henderson and introduced him at the community center rally. The other candidates have been touting their staff’s ties to Nevada: Harris has hired Emmy Ruiz, who ran Clinton’s caucus operation, as a senior adviser. Sanders’ campaign manager, Faiz Shakir, worked as a top aide to former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (Nev.) And Warren’s communications director, Kristen Orthman, was a longtime Reid aide.

Harris has also picked up a few key endorsements: Chris Miller, the former Democratic Party chair in Clark County, endorsed her last week and she earlier picked up the backing of State Sen. Pat Spearman (D). (Another potential advantage for Harris: California-based volunteers are a critical part of Democratic campaigns in Nevada, Neri said.)

The campaigns are hoping those Nevada ties can help them navigate the key issues in the state. Immigration activists want protections for both Dreamers and recipients of temporary protective status. Gun control advocates are pushing hard in a state that saw the deadliest mass shooting in American history in 2017. And the state has pushed hard for investments in wind and solar energy to combat climate change.

“We’re working very hard as a state to claim a spot on the top of the ladder when it comes to green energy,” West said.

The biggest remaining variable in the caucus outcome might be the state’s labor movement. Fourteen percent of workers in Nevada are union members, a remarkably high amount for a right-to-work western state. The 60,000-member Culinary Union, which represents casino, hotel and airport workers, is famously powerful, and its support of Barack Obama in 2008 was key to his strong performance in Nevada. It’s unclear if the union will endorse a candidate in 2020, though every campaign is courting the group. (Nevada state Sen. Yvanna Cancela (D), a former political director of the Culinary Union, endorsed Biden earlier this week.) The SEIU and teachers’ unions in the state are also influential, operatives said.

Another big unknown? How changes to the caucus process could impact the outcome. For the first time, voters will be able to participate in the process with early voting and a digital caucus, both of which could boost turnout. In 2008 and 2016, the caucuses were held on Saturdays, the busiest day of the week for many in tourism-centric Las Vegas.

“This is a shift town,” Neri said. “Saturday’s not a great day for participation.”


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Bernie Sanders is the most popular candidate among black women, you shill.
funny enough I was at my friends house last night watching the game.

We're all black people. We're all masters degrees and up.

6 black women.

NO ONE fukks with Bernie :laff:

EVERYONE is buzzing about Warren.

@wire28 @Return to Forever @ezrathegreat @Jello Biafra @humble forever @Darth Nubian @Dameon Farrow @Piff Perkins @BigMoneyGrip @Iceson Beckford @Lucky_Lefty @johnedwarduado @Armchair Militant @panopticon @88m3

John Reena

Jan 27, 2016


Go Wizards, Go Terps, Go Packers!
Staff member
May 16, 2012

Within a few hours of Joe Biden’sofficial presidential announcement, the Justice Democrats, the progressive group behind Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s rise to power, brought out the flamethrower. “The old guard of the Democratic Party failed to stop Trump, and they can’t be counted on to lead the fight against his divide-and-conquer politics today,” began executive director Alexandra Rojas, accusing Biden of standing “in near complete opposition to where the center of energy is in the Democratic Party today.”

Incredibly, the rebuke from Justice Democrats was among the more anodyne responses on the far left, where Biden—Amtrak Joe, defender of the middle class, Scranton native son—is being treated like Darth Vader. Or, worse, the second coming of Hillary Clinton. “If you hear from a candidate that we’re just going to go back to 2016, it’s not satisfying,” one progressive grassroots organizer told me.

The left’s animosity toward Biden derives in part from a feeling that the Democratic Party is at a crossroads, that the answer to Donald Trumpisn’t a restoration of the old order but a brash, new, left-wing politics. In fact, about half of registered Democrats identify as moderate or conservative, suggesting that Biden, far from being out of step with the party’s base, is actually its best representative. But groups like Justice Democrats, the Working Families Party, Data for Progress, and others, are hoping to seize the moment to change the conversation, either by supporting candidates like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, or pushing the centrists further to the left. Hence the all-out, shock-and-awe style blitzkrieg. “Whoever you will support, if it is not Biden, Biden is an existential threat to your candidate. So you have to fukk him up, and he’s just the most vulnerable to attack for the most shytty stuff, ” said progressive activist Sean McElwee, a co-founder of Data for Progress. “It’s going to be a guerrilla war of placing the shyttiest issues and getting the oppo out there.”

According to sources I spoke to across the progressive-activist world, the general strategy is to mobilize the grassroots to destroy Biden’s greatest asset—his supposed electability—by making him radioactive on the left. The first step, quite literally, is to repeat his political record over and over again. In a single breath, Maurice Mitchell, the national director of the Working Families Party, rattled off Biden’s sins: his sexist interrogation of Anita Hill; his lead role in passing the 1994 crime bill that put mass incarceration on steroids; and his longtime cozy relationship with credit-card companies, which he cemented in 2005 with a vote against bankruptcy-protection reforms.

“I guess I challenge the premise that we’re going all out now—all I did was basically just read out his record right now to you,” said Mitchell. “He’s going to have a lot of opportunities, now that he’s in the race, to explain to us and constituents how he could be on the wrong side of history over and over again.” (Unmentioned but omnipresent: Biden’s voting record on environmental and L.G.B.T.Q. rights, his handsiness with women, and his support for the Iraq War.)

While Bernie Sanders has pledged not to go negative in the 2020 race, far-left operatives don’t feel bound by the same rules of political warfare. “If I was a candidate who’s trying to win an election, I would definitely not shyt on Biden,” acknowledged McElwee. “I’m not. I’m an analyst who would very much not like to see the most reactionary Democrat in the field become the nominee.” Without hesitation, he went for the jugular. “I mean, there’s a lot of oppo on Biden. . . . The Biden family is like the fukking Lannisters.”

Progressive activists argue these attacks aren’t personal—they’re about protecting the Democratic Party from nominating a candidate who can’t beat Trump. Most head-to-head polls show that Biden could dispatch Trump handily, including in the swing states of Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. But according to Data for Progress, those numbers reverse when voters are first read statements summarizing Biden and Trump’s policy positions, such as Biden’s support for the Iraq War or Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal.

“Donald Trump isn’t going to hold back any punches. He’s going to attack every Democrat for everything he possibly can,” said Charles Chamberlain, the chairman of Democracy for America, arguing in favor of a trial by fire. “I think it’s a good idea for the entire Democratic primary to be a realistic fight of what we’re going to be looking at ahead.”

Underlying the debate over strategy and tactics are philosophical divisions on the far left between operatives who want to beat Donald Trump, and activists who see Biden as hardly any better. For the D.F.A., Biden is flawed but familiar: “They would rather have that than Donald Trump,” said Chamberlain, “and they want to make sure that we defeat Donald Trump.” For others, arguably, Biden is inseparable from the broken political system that led to Trump. “For a man who has been in politics so long, Biden’s record of actual progressive accomplishments is quite thin,” said McElwee. “The only thing to his name appears to be groping his way through the most successful Democratic presidency since L.B.J. without fukking it all up.”

It is, perhaps, a variation of the left-wing maximalist argument that led Clinton skeptics in 2016 to vote for Bernie or Jill Stein, or no one at all. Nobody wants to re-elect Trump, but if Biden isn’t going to support Medicare for All or the Green New Deal, then what’s the goddamn point? “There’s a really deep problem with democracy that allowed Donald Trump to arrive, and it’s not just Trump,” said the grassroots organizer. “The goal is not only to defeat Trump. The goal is to address the underlying problems that allowed Trump to rise.”


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
U not black, stop it fam.


Nah. You stop. YOU haven't proven you're black. If we're keeping that same energy.
