i dont think theyre full socialist but if you want to know my preference it would be smthg like worker coops. socialism isnt scary to me., capitalism is , look at the conditions its produced
the conditions? the worlds largest, best, and free markets and economy. I don't know what you mean conditions, have you been to actual socialist economy or communist economy. Show me one that you prefer over the US.
alot of conditions people complain about is because of race and systemic issues that has nothing to do with capitalism. POC also tend to utilize the same capitalism but don't go back to improve the communities they rose from. How is that capitalism's issue? Socialism is asking the government to come in and save and help certain communities is admission that these communities don't have the ability to improve themselves. It's a creation of a drone society.
so then by YOUR logic lets just make alcohol illegal, and on citizens united., Id MUCH rather have joe the plumber than some corporate slave master running things, i think we just disagree on major points, so im not gonna continue
you rather have a plumber create policy then someone who understand leadership and making tough decisions. How is unclogging a toilet in anyway preparation for leading people opposed to being a corporate CEO?
REgarding the alcohol , that is not my logic.. You're failing to comprehend that you literally said that blacks are being criminalized so lets make MJ legal...you gave no other support other than that. Which makes no sense, your rebuttal to that isn't addressing that and is not at all my logic.

I could care less if MJ is legalized, I think it's stupid, I don't do it but as long as it's controlled for medicinal purposes or enjoyed in the privacy of the home I could give two fukks, but don't tell me to legalize it because people illegally abuse it.